effervescent vitamin c benefits

effervescent vitamin c benefits

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Effervescent Vitamin C Benefits


Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is an essential, water-soluble vitamin that your body must obtain from outside sources like food or supplements. It occurs naturally in a wide variety of produce and is commonly included in multivitamin formulas, but it is also available in powdered form. According to "The Best Supplements for Your Health" by Donald Goldberg, Arnold Gitomer and Robert Abel, powdered vitamin C bears some qualities that other forms don't, in addition to all the health benefits of ascorbic acid. According to Goldberg, Gitomer and Abel, there are two types of vitamin C powder: bicarbonate and fully reacted. Vitamin C bicarbonate powder, when mixed with water, becomes a fizzy, effervescent drink. Those who find this delightful and refreshing may opt to get their daily recommended dose of vitamin C from this product. Fully reacted vitamin C powder, also known as calcium ascorbate, is characterized by its lower acidity level when compared to vitamin C bicarbonate powder and many dietary sources of vitamin C, according to Goldberg, Gitomer and Abel.

This product does not fizz when mixed with water, but it can be much easier to consume for people who are very sensitive to citric acid. All vitamin C supplements help support the healthy growth and repair of tissues, according to the National Institutes of Health. Vitamin C helps produce collagen, which is necessary for the formation of scar tissue, connective tissues and blood vessels. It contributes to the healing of internal and external wounds, and strengthens bones, teeth and cartilage. The National Institutes of Health also reports that vitamin C is an antioxidant, which means that it seeks out and binds with free radicals in the body. Free radicals are particles that are produced whenever your body breaks down nutrients to convert them into energy, and sometimes when your body is exposed to harmful substances like smoke or toxins. These particles scavenge for healthy cells and attack them, leading to premature cell death and advancing the aging process. In high amounts, free radicals can bring about premature aging.

Antioxidants like vitamin C neutralize the harmful effects of these free radicals, saving at-risk cells and allowing the body to age at a healthy rate. Some medical conditions may be helped with vitamin C supplementation. Scurvy is technically a dietary vitamin C deficiency, and is characterized by fatigue, gum disease and poor-healing wounds. Other diseases that may be relieved in part by vitamin C supplementation, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, include heart disease, hypertension and the common cold. What Are the Health Benefits of Sodium Ascorbate? Mechanisms of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Disadvantages of Vitamin C Should I Take Vitamin C in Powder or Pill Form? Side Effects of a Vitamin C Overdose Is Expired Vitamin C Dangerous? The Toxicity Level for Vitamin C What Is Sodium Ascorbate? Vitamin C in Mandarin Oranges What Non-Citrus Fruits & Vegetables Contain Vitamin C? What Are the Benefits of Muskmelon?

What Are The Effects of Eating Too Much Vitamin C? What Are the Benefits of Mandarin Oranges? The Best Natural Sources of Vitamin C Disadvantages of Different Vegetables & Fruits Low-Sugar Fruits & Vegetables Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamins A, E, C and PABA Is High-C Fruit Punch Healthy? Can I Take Biotin & Vitamin C Together? Is Ascorbic Acid Safe in the Pure Powder Form?Vitamin C and zinc have many health benefits. Vitamin C and zinc have many health benefiits, including aiding immunity, reducing the risk of age-related eye diseases and helping wounds heal. Vitamin C also helps the absorption of plant-based iron, while zinc is required for the body to make DNA and for cell division. Meat and seafood are the best sources of zinc, while friuts and vegetables are good sources of vitamin C. Zinc is also found in cold lozenges and over-the-counter cold medicines. Protection Against Colds Vitamin C may reduce the length and severity of a cold, but it doesn’t appear to prevent colds in most people, according to the National Center of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, part of the National Institutes of Health.

The exception is marathon runners and other extreme exercisers, as well as people exposed to very cold weather, such as skiers. For these groups, taking 250 milligrams of vitamin C daily may reduce the chance of catching a cold by 50 percent, reports the NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements. Studies show that using zinc lozenges within 24 hours of catching a cold can reduce the length and severity of cold symptoms. Eye Disease Protection Zinc and vitamin C may prevent vision loss in older people by delaying the progression of age-related macular degeneration, or AMD. In one study reported by the Office of Dietary Supplements, high intakes of zinc and antioxidants, including vitamin C, reduced the risk of AMD in elderly people. In another study, taking zinc alone significantly reduced the risk of developing AMD in high-risk subjects, but not in other people. Additionally, studies show high intakes of vitamin C may protect against cataracts, although the ODS notes this association needs further study.

Wound Healing Vitamin C is needed for the body to form collagen, part of the skin’s connective tissue that plays a vital role in the healing of wounds, such as cuts. Zinc is needed for the formation and maintenance of the skin and mucous membranes. People with skin ulcers are often deficient in zinc, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. Additionally, insufficient vitamin C can lead to scurvy, a disease that causes connective tissue weakness and gum bleeding. Recommendations Obtaining vitamin C from foods is preferable to taking supplements. The Office of Dietary Supplements notes that whole foods contain not only essential vitamins and minerals but also dietary fiber and other healthful substances not found in supplements. If you choose to take supplements, consult your doctor. Vitamin C and zinc supplements can interfere with a number of medicines. Plus, high doses can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramps. Intakes of 150 to 750 milligrams of zinc a day have been associated with copper deficiency, which can reduce immunity.

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