


❓1. What is “education”?

❓2. What is/was the most difficult experience during your education?

❓3. How did your parents treat you during your education at different levels?

❓4. What kinds of educational systems do you have in your country? 

❓5. Were you satisfied with your education at your schools and universities you have already attended? 

❓6. What is an “ideal educational system”? Do you have any information about any educational system like what you have just explained in other countries?

❓7. What are the differences between the current educational system and the one you attended when you were a child or a teen?

❓8. What do you think about “co-education”? Do you think it is a good idea?


🌀Methodology: the way in which a teacher chooses to explain or teach material to students so they can learn the material:

A methodology of teaching can include the use of lecturing, group or small group discussion activities, and engaging students as teachers for their peers.

🌀Principal: the head of a school, college, or other educational institution:

Joe Palmer is the principal of Gordon Parks Elementary School.

🌀Teaching principles: the principles and guidelines that a teacher has to follow in order to teach: 

The book includes the result of a statistical analysis and summary of fifty years of research on teaching principles by Arthur Chickering. 

🌀Tutor: a private teacher, typically one who teaches a single student or a very small group:

He was a history tutor the last years of his career.

#Juxtapositions 1/2



Decent, excellent, first-class, good, high-quality, quality, well-rounded, poor, compulsory, formal, classical, liberal, basic, general, universal, early-childhood, preschool, elementary, adult, continuing, higher, college, high-school, university, graduate, undergraduate, special, in-service, professional, vocational, military, teacher, maternal, parental, distance, online, arts, music, science, religious, theological, full-time, part-time, public, state, private, Catholic, Christian, single-sex


Although he had had little formal education, he could read and write well.

He received a classical education.

He'd received an excellent general education in Poland.

Nigeria committed itself to universal primary education.

41% had some post-secondary education.

How well a child does at school is influenced by the level of parental education.

Technology allows distance education to occur at all levels.

Researchers have found that single-sex education may benefit girls.


Acquire, get, have, obtain, receive, pursue, follow, deliver, give, offer, provide with, deny, lack, enter, continue, extend, leave, complete, finish, improve, reform, promote, finance, fund


He was at a disadvantage because of the poor education he had received.

She brought up two children while pursuing a college.

The school provides an excellent general education.

No one is denied an education because they are poor in this country.

Many people lack the education and training that is needed for these jobs.

She went to college to continue her education.

He went to America to complete his education.

The project seeks to improve education for students.

They set up an account to fund their daughter's education.


Education + —-

Committee, department, sector, service, system, minister, secretary, policy, reform, reformer, bill, campaign, initiative, program, project, activities, facilities, materials, resources, budget, funding, spending, class, course, session, center, college, establishment, institution, provider, setting, community, world, expert, leader, specialist, requirement, levels, standards, loan


We need to invest in the higher education sector.

The department has launched a new health campaign.

They want to broaden their research and education activities.

Parents should begin the sex education process long before it begins in school.

There are additional education requirements for nurses on this course.


In, through, about


We acquire much of our world knowledge through education.

#Juxtapositions 2/2



Good, full-time, part-time, personal, private, peer, online, art, English


John is the full-time tutor of that family. 

We hired a personal tutor for our daughter. 

I am an online English tutor on GoSpeaky. 


Act as, become, hire


He became tutor to the prince.

His father hired a private tutor for him.


For, in, to


She works part time as a tutor for Spanish.

After her graduation, she became a tutor in mathematics.

He became a tutor to some of the sport's top players.

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