

200 Words a Day Challenge

It’s the linkedin and YouTube of knowledge. It is the repository of all learning and the network of students, teachers and credentials.

Other education resource will be plugged into it. It does not hold knowledge. It fassilitates structured long term learning. You manage your knowledge like an asset. When learning something new, it is transparent and explicit what is required and where it leads.

Intensity graph. Every course is accompanied by an intensity graph, showing where whet hits the fan, where people spent the most time, report the most issues, drop out, learn the most etc.

i would not create that much course material myself, but compose existing courses.

Fir example I would let someone build, be Sebastian unfinished ai course, then a library and then maybe fastsi. This is accompanied by the mathematics track that’s going from t0 algebra to calculus, linear algebra and statistics. Data visualization.

A third track for coding should be included, and a fourth for operating system and environment management. Maybe another for architecture of computer systems. And another on modern web applications. And Another for bots and botnets? Maybe networks?

Maybe items can have a debth property sigmoid functions can be understood in a few moments, but when having calculated some of the values after having guessed them, you know more, you can explore Sloap etc. you can exprlore different applications of the functions. And maybe alternatives

Course material will be

  • koans
  • video
  • text
  • interactive shells
  • ipad app for writing

the Components making up my education System will include:

the student needs to be able to make annotations to a course to give note to the education about possible improvements, gaps, jumps, mistakes, chances etc.

the must be koans, meaning test. Or challenges. Tiny projects that test one specific item of knowledge .


teachers create courses. Are made up of lectures. They cover a topic of knowledge. Each course and lecture has its topics defined, from that the App téxtrapolates its dependencies. Teachers and students provide also dependencies. And observations by some ai system.

for each item of knowledge, there is a repository of tests and projects.

Courses create tests, projects, items, lessons and courses.

they can be cross linked.

as a student the way to go about acquiring a skill or to interact with the system would be to pick a project and work it through. For this three would be dependencies that he can check his own skill tree against. If something is missing he closes the gaps prior to the project. Since the individual lessons are made of items that require a skill, the student who is missing an item that comes later in a course, could start the course and squire the skill once needed.

its important for the Stunden to have easy access to local learning groups and tutors and mentors?.the distinctions between these groups need to be worked out

functions that are fulfilled by the tutor:

  • have skill that student don’t have and teach to them. In group or personal. The Tutor has maybe only marginally more skill. One item more skill to be precise. He takes responsibility for a course, project or small set of skills

The mentor

  • is someone who has years of expertise and knowledge in the area. He is the export. The professor. He provides lorn term guidance and. Has a strong relationship over long time to a few students. He takes responsibility for their development as professionals and humans

learning groups

  • Meetups where you can find tutors and mentors
  • study groups where you work through a course or project or or together.

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