Eduard Asadov — When I Find Evil in People

Eduard Asadov — When I Find Evil in People

When I find evil in people,

I try to believe for as long as possible

That they are faking it,

That it is accidental. And I am always wrong.

And trying to justify my thoughts,

I try to believe, forgetting reproach,

That liars have great imaginations,

And those who are rude were simply embarrassed.

That the gossipper who came to my door

Just foolishly, innocently kept talking,

And the friend who didn't help me in time of need

Didn't betray me, but simply didn't know what to do.

I'm not trying to hide from my troubles;

There is another reason for such behaviour.

I don't want to believe that there's evil in the world,

And I don't want to believe that there's villainy!

That's why, when you meet those who are dishonest and evil,

Too often you unwillingly try,

Deep in your soul, to believe that they are better,

You simply try to "edit" them, I would say!

But time and the facts are no trifle,

And no matter how much you torture your soul,

The rot in another soul cannot ever be

Hidden or covered as simply as a donkey's ears.

I must admit that evil

Has not been an infrequent visitor in my life,

And thus many of my hopes have been shattered,

And many friends have I thus lost!

And still, and still I won't stop believing

That in the beginning of every journey,

You must approach people with trust

And goodness, goodness, and goodness!

You will be mistaken at times (and that isn't easy),

But your joy will know no bounds

When you meet somebody up to your standards,

Somebody who will make you a hundred times happier!

Let the cynics pathetically mumble, like children,

That hearts are not a certain thing...

I don't believe them! I know that this world has

Eternal friendship and love until the end!

And my heart tells me, "Find them and act.

But there is one thing you must not forget:

You yourself must meet your high standards,

And then you'll see that everything else will work out!"

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