


Katya, I have been collecting what I think are sublime, or exquisite romantic lines. This is one that could relate to friendship:

“Into her dream he melted, as the rose

Blends its odor with the violet, -

A solution sweet.” [Keats]

The four kisses of Love:

First (erotic)

“I face this feminine landscape

Like a child warmed by the crackling fire.”

Second (sexual)

“I face this feminine landscape

Like a branch held close to the fire and burned around the edges”

Third (spiritual)

“I face this feminine landscape

Like one entranced by the light of the moving flames”

Fourth (soulful)

“I face this feminine landscape

Like a branch fallen into the fire.”

These are cumulative.  

I am interested in erotic mysticism – that would be the third kiss. The fourth kiss would be erotic soul mysticism. 

The poem had two stages for the approach to the feminine, I extended it to four. 

I read these lines which give expression to my sentiments now. The heart within my heart. I modified a few lines to add my intuitions and experience. 

The first experience with the feminine landscape is to be like a child with wonder and warmed by the fire. The first feelings of erotic desire and the efforts to appease the longing within one’s self.

Later through a relationship sparked by some beauty, which is of the spirit, and sexual expression through a mutual building and release of tensions, the second experience of the feminine landscape, to be singed by the fire, burnt around the edges.  Like a stick being held to the fire and lightly burnt, but not yet in the fire.  

But this does not satisfy the deepest longings, there is something more. The third, to develop the soul so that it can join with another soul, and to merge as a branch in the fire. 

It brings a smile and tears into my eyes,

These are reasons to lose myself,

On this earth without paths and under a sky without horizon

Reasons that I did not know yesterday

And that now, I will never forget

This lovely key to joy and ecstasy,

If I can see clearly to my star,

Within and beyond my heart.  

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