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"Ebal" redirects here . For the California high school athletic league, see East Bay Athletic League .
Location of Mount Ebal within Palestine
Location of Nablus within the West Bank, Palestine

^ Photograph of the southern face of the mountain

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Matthew Sturgis , It Ain't Necessarily So , ISBN 0-7472-4510-X

^ Jump up to: a b Cheyne and Black, Encyclopedia Biblica

^ Jump up to: a b Jewish Encyclopedia

^ Deuteronomy 27:4–6

^ Deuteronomy 27:4–8,29

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Peake's Commentary on the Bible

^ Ulrich, Eugene (2015-05-20) . The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Developmental Composition of the Bible . BRILL . p . 221 . ISBN 978-90-04-29603-9 .

^ Charlesworth, James H . "The Discovery of an Unknown Dead Sea Scroll: The Original Text of Deuteronomy 27?" OWU Magazine ; 2012/07/16

^ Jump up to: a b Deuteronomy 27:11-13

^ Christensen, Duane . Deuteronomy 21:10–34:12, Volume 6B . p . 24 (citation to original source) .


^ Deuteronomy 15–26

^ Deuteronomy 28:3–6

^ Deuteronomy 28:16–19

^ Joshua 8:31-35

^ Jewish Encyclopedia

^ Richard Elliott Friedman , Who wrote the Bible ; Jewish Encyclopedia , Book of Joshua , Deuteronomy

^ Joshua 24:1-27

^ Genesis 35:4

^ Jump up to: a b Jewish Encyclopedia

^ "Archived copy" . Archived from the original on 2009-06-29 . Retrieved 2009-07-09 . CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( link )

^ Exodus 27

^ Exodus 26

^ Assaf Kamar, 'A rare visit to the supposed altar of prophet Joshua,' Ynet 9 August 2016 .

^ Kamar, Asaf (22 July 2016) . " A rare tour of "the altar of Joshua" on the Mountain of the Curse " . Ynet . Retrieved 29 July 2016 .

^ Lazaroff, Tovah (10 February 2021) . " ' Prophet Joshua's Mount Ebal altar site harmed by Palestinian road work ' " . JPost . Retrieved 11 February 2021 .

Religious sites under the Palestinian Authority
† Access to the site is controlled by Israel .
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Mount Ebal ( Arabic : جبل عيبال ‎ Jabal ‘Aybāl ; Hebrew : הר עיבל ‎ Har ‘Eival ) is one of the two mountains in the immediate vicinity of the city of Nablus in the West Bank ( biblical Shechem ), and forms the northern side of the valley in which Nablus is situated, the southern side being formed by Mount Gerizim . [1] The mountain is one of the highest peaks in the West Bank and rises to 940 m (3,080 ft) above sea level , some 60 m (200 ft) higher than Mount Gerizim . [2] Mount Ebal is approximately 17 km 2 (6 .6 sq mi) in area, [2] and is composed primarily of limestone . [3] The slopes of the mountain contain several large caverns which were probably originally quarries, [3] and at the base towards the north are several tombs . [4]

In advance of the Israelites ' entry to the Promised Land , Deuteronomy 11:29 records Moses ' direction that "when the Lord your God has brought you into the land which you go to possess, that you shall put the blessing on Mount Gerizim and the curse on Mount Ebal" .

In the masoretic text and the Septuagint version of Deuteronomy 27, an instruction is given to build an altar on Mount Ebal, constructed from natural (rather than cut) stones, to place stones there and whiten them with lime, [5] [4] to make peace offerings on the altar , eat there, and write the words of this law on the stone . [6] According to the Samaritan Pentateuch and a Qumran fragment, this instruction actually concerns Mount Gerizim , which the Samaritans view as a holy site; [7] [8] some scholars believe that the Samaritan version is probably more accurate in this respect, the compilers of the masoretic text and authors of the Septuagint being likely to be biased against the Samaritans . [7] Recent Dead Sea Scrolls work supports the accuracy of the Samaritan Pentateuch's designation of Mount Gerizim rather than Mount Ebal as the sacred site . [9]

An instruction immediately subsequent to this orders that, once this is done, the Israelites should split into two groups, one to stay on Mount Ebal and pronounce curses, while the other goes to Mount Gerizim and pronounces blessings . [10] The tribes of Simeon , Levi , Judah , Issachar , Joseph and Benjamin were to be sent to Gerizim, while those of Reuben , Gad , Asher , Zebulun , Dan and Naphtali , were to remain on Ebal . [10] No attempts to explain this division of tribes either by their Biblical ethnology or by their geographical distribution have been generally accepted in academic circles . [7] More recently, however, some argue that the tribes were divided as equally as possible given the population's census data given in the Book of Numbers . Specifically, the division found in the book of Deuteronomy is the most equal out of 462 possible divisions . [11] [12]

The text goes on to list twelve curses, which were to be pronounced by the Levite priesthood and answered by the people with Amen . [13] These curses heavily resemble laws (e .g . cursed be he who removes his neighbour's landmark ), and they are not followed by a list of blessings described in a similarly liturgical framework; scholars believe that these more likely represent what was written on the stones, and that the later list of six explicit blessings, [14] six near-corresponding explicit curses, [15] were originally in this position in the text . [7] The present position of these explicit blessings and curses, within a larger narrative of promise, and a far larger narrative of threat (respectively), is considered to have been an editorial decision for the post-exilic second version of Deuteronomy ( Dtr2 ), to reflect the deuteronomist 's worldview after the Babylonian exile had occurred . [7]

In the Book of Joshua , after the Battle of Ai , Joshua built an altar of unhewn stones there, the Israelites then made peace offerings on it, the Law of Moses was written onto the stones, and the Israelites split into the two groups specified in Deuteronomy and pronounced blessings and cursings as instructed there . [16] There is some debate between textual scholars as to whether this incident in Joshua is one account or spliced together two different accounts, where one account refers to Joshua building an altar, and making sacrifices on it, while the other account refers to Joshua placing large stone slabs there that had been whitened with lime and then had the Torah inscribed on them . [17] Either way there is general agreement that the sources of Joshua predate Deuteronomy, and hence that the order to build the altar and make the inscription is likely based on these actions in the sources of Joshua, rather than the other way round, possibly to provide an aetiology for the site acceptable to the deuteronomist's theology . [18]

Much later in the Book, when Joshua was old and dying, he gathered the people together at Shechem , and gave a farewell speech, and then wrote these words in the book of the Torah of God, and took a great stone, and set it under the doorpost which is in the sanctuary of the Lord . [19] Depending on the way in which the sources of Joshua were spliced together, this may just be another version of the earlier narrative Joshua placing the whitened stones slabs with the Torah inscribed on them, and some scholars believe that this narrative may have originally been in an earlier location within the Book of Joshua . [7]

In the Biblical narrative, the terebinth , seemingly next to the sanctuary, was evidently in existence as early as the time of the Patriarchs , as Jacob is described in the Book of Genesis as having buried the idols of strange gods (belonging to his uncle Laban) beneath it . [20] According to a midrash , one of these idols, in the shape of a dove , was later recovered by the Samaritans, and used in their worship on Mount Gerizim . [21]

The higher part of the mountain, on the west, contains the ruins of some massive walls called Al-Kal'ah , and east of this are other ruins now called Kunaisah . [21]

Potentially much more significant remains have been found on the northern side .

Like many other sites in the region, by the 20th century there was a large stone heap found on Mount Ebal; this one was known to locals as el Burnat ( Arabic for the Hat ), and was found by Adam Zertal , [22] within a naturally shaped amphitheatre . [2] Upon archaeological investigation, several potsherds were found among this heap, and were dated to 1220–1000 BC, a date for which no other remains are found nearby, [2] and so a more substantial archaeological excavation was launched at the site in 1987 . [2] The excavation found a large walled structure, seemingly built direct into the bedrock without a doorway or floor, and had been infilled by layers of stone, ash, and earth; [2] on the southwest were found two paved areas split apart by a further wide wall higher at one end than the other and with a surrounding oval wall . [2] Slowly burnt bones were found at the site, and after analysis were discovered to originate from bullocks , goats , and fallow deer . [2]

Although the excavating archaeologist believed that the site was the compound containing Joshua's altar, [2] the filled walled structure being the altar itself – the filling being a part of the altar rather than debris (and indicative of an Assyrian style altar, [2] like that specified in the Book of Exodus as being hollow with boards [23] ) – and the wall between the two courtyards being a ramp (in accordance with the no steps instruction in Exodus [24] ), most other archaeologists believe it to be something else . [2] The site has a significant issue in regard to the Biblical account of Joshua's altar, as it is located on the north side of the mountain, and not the south side facing Mount Gerizim , making a curse & blessing ritual held there and on Gerizim somewhat difficult to hold antiphonally ; [2] the excavating archaeologist proposed that this could be resolved by identifying a mountain to the north as Gerizim rather than the usual location, though the suggestion was ridiculed by both the Samaritans , who found it offensive to move the centre of their religion, and by other scholars and archaeologists .

Though some archaeologists agree with the consideration that the site was an altar compound (though not constructed by Joshua ), and some (including Israel Finkelstein ) at least agree that it was a cultic location (though not necessarily involving an altar), others believe that it was simply a farmhouse, a guard tower [25] or the Biblical tower of Shechem . [2] Those considering it to be a farmhouse and/or the tower of Shechem , argue that the paved areas are simply rooms, the sloping wall simply an eroded partition wall, and the infilled enclosure a room that was later changed into a tower – the foundation of the tower being the infill, and the rest of the tower now destroyed . [2]

Israelis wishing to visit the site today must coordinate their activity with COGAT , the Israeli defence ministry unit which manages civilian affairs for Palestinians in the West Bank and liaises with Gaza, since Mount Ebal is located in what is now designated as Area B . In addition, Israeli citizens visiting the area are required to be escorted by IDF soldiers, to ensure their personal safety . The Shomron Regional Council , as of July 2016, was trying to promote the area as a tourist destination . [26]

In February 2021 a portion of the site was destroyed by the Palestinian Authority and the stones were ground up and used to pave a nearby road . [27]

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В комплект поставки входит: тактический комплекс; выносная кнопка; Ик-линза для фонаря . Функционал тактического комплекса аналогичен тактическому комплексу la/peq5 и позволяет решать различные задачи: работа с прибором ночного видения; зачистка зданий; игра в ночное время без ПНВ; целеуказания союзникам в бою и т .д . Eball-mkII включает в себя - мощнейший диодный фонарь, хороший яркий лазер красного цвета, инфракрасный лазер видимый только в приборы ночного видения . Так же в отличии от la/peq5 , в комплект поставки входит ИК-линза, которая при замене в комплексе , превращает обычный фонарь в фонарь ИК спектра, что позволяет подсвечивать местность , в случае если у вашего ПНВ не хватает светоусиления . Фонарь в комплексе с лихвой может заменить обычный тактический фонарь по мощности . Никаких проблем с освещением не возникает . Все излучатели Лазеров регулируются по горизонтали и вертикали, никаких проблем пристрелять их к Вашей винтовке не возникнет . Как изюминка - данный комплекс позволяет установить на себя , коллиматорные прицелы серии docter . Это превращает данный an/peq в полноценный прицельный модуль на вашей винтовке . Да и выглядит просто отлично . Врят ли кто то еще на воскреске будет похож на Вас .
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In Josh 8:30–35, Israel constructs an altar on Mt . Ebal in fulfillment of the command of Deut 27:1–8 . This structure had very important social, political, and religious implications for Israel, for it was the first structure to be built after the people entered the land of Canaan . Once the altar was completed, sacrifices were to be offered on it, and a renewal of the covenant was to be carried out (patterned after the ritual of Deut 31:9–13) . This covenant renewal was necessary to integrate the people into the covenant who had not been a part of the Sinai experience . The event was significant enough to establish nearby Shechem as the tribal league shrine, and it was the first political and religious ceremony that the Israelites undertook following their entry into the land . As a covenant ratification, it could be described as their ratification as a nation . The altar on Mt . Ebal and its concomitant ceremony were, therefore, according to the claims of the Hebrew Bible, of supreme importance in the life of ancient Israel .
In 1980, during the survey of the territory of Manasseh, Israeli archaeologist Adam Zertal discovered a site on Mt . Ebal dating to the period of Iron I, during which the Israelites began to sedentarize in the central hill country of Canaan . The site was excavated over eight seasons, from 1982 to 1989, under the auspices of the University of Haifa and the Israel Exploration Society . In 1985, Zertal published an article in which he suggested that the structure on Ebal may have been the altar of Josh 8:30–35 .
In The Iron Age I Structure on Mt . Ebal , Ralph Hawkins reviews the excavation on Mt . Ebal and its results, including the scarabs, seals, and animal bones found there . He examines the architecture of the site in relation to Mesopotamian watchtowers, altars, and the descriptions of altars in mishnaic materials, Ezekiel, and Deuteronomic passages .
This fascinating book examines the Mt . Ebal site using a comparative method for both the physical data and the textual data . The site and its artifacts are analyzed and then compared with alternative proposals and literary traditions . The site is placed in its broader regional context in order to determine how it might relate
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