Easequit - l stop smoking with cbt

Easequit - l stop smoking with cbt


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EaseQUIT is a set of small, bioactive magnets worn on the ear that helps users quit smoking by curbing nicotine cravings. Chemical and nicotine free, EaseQUIT works using auriculotherapy, otherwise known as &lsquo;ear acupuncture&rsquo;. Worn for a few hours a day, EaseQUIT promises to help the user stop smoking in just 7 days, giving them an effortless, faster, more affordable way to stop smoking for good. Launched in August 2016, EaseQUIT tripled its conversion rate in its first year alone. EaseQUIT has little competition, and is the only stop-smoking auricular therapy product to offer a money back guarantee, making it a reliable offer to promote on your vaping, health supplements review or general health and lifestyle site.

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