
The most valuable substance in the universe is the drug Melange/Spice, which extends life, expands consciousness & permits instantaneous interstellar travel. Paul Atreides draws the attention of the Bene Gesserit sisterhood, as he's tied to their centuries-long breeding program to produce the universe's superbeing. The emperor plots the popular house of dukes Atreides' demise by giving it control of Arrakis/Dune, the planet with Sandworms that produce the Spice. Then their longtime archenemies, the Harkonnens, with the emperor's army of Sardaukars, ambush them there. Paul & his Bene Gesserit mother Lady Jessica escape & find the Fremen, natives of Arrakis, to learn their ways.

Woah I knew i would like it, but this movie is indeed pretty cool!! Denis Villeneuve confirms himself as one of my fave directors. I've seen it at the cinema with Giuly, Clo & Giovanni, so it was even more epic.

Two things that shone to me, even more than the cinematography, were the editing and the ost.

The editing and cuts are interesting and help the pacing: slow and ethereal with zoom ins on the character's faces at times, fast and with lots of movements at others.

The soundtrack is interesting because it's made of chants and weird things. Giuly said she loved it too.
It's particularly loud in a lot of scenes, because Villeneuve didn't want to use words to represent the characters, so the score fills up the blanks of the words. I love this use of the visual/music as a whole!

The story is more understandable than in David Lynch's adaptation, but that was obvious, given that this is the first of two movies, while Lynch tried to put the whole novel into one movie. Still, my friends didn't understand a thing anyway and I had to explain lmao.

Lots of amazing & beautiful actors. Yeees, even Chalamet, not because he's amazing & beautiful, but because his depressed face goes well with the part and the movie's style. Oscar Isaac is pretty gorgeous here, something I hadn't thought about him since now. Jason Momoa is one of the best. Rebecca Ferguson is ethereal. I hadn't even recognized Javier Bardem as Stilgar! But his character is one of the most fun with his "hmm".

Baron Harkonnen (Stellan Skarsgård) is still extremely fat and floating (which still makes me laugh), but at least his face isn't full of large pustules. Dave Bautista plays his nephew.

THE SANDWORMS ARE GORGEOOOOOUS!!! Even though you see them well only once and it's a pretty dark scene... I want more of them in the sequel!

I still don't really like the desertic & arid settings in movies, but this whole story revolves around them so...

It's pretty long and slow at times, but I didn't get much bored. Maybe a bit at the end.

Doesn't have Sting in underwear like Lynch's movie has, so that makes it lose points.

⭐️ 8+

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