

The cloud and the dune

Everyone knows that the life of the clouds is very hectic, but also very short. From this he tells us a story. - 1

A young cloud was born in the midst of a great tempest in the Mediterranean Sea. But he hardly had time to grow there, because a strong wind pushed all the clouds towards Africa.

But there the climate changed: a generous sun shone in the sky below the golden sands of the Sahara desert. AND! The wind pushed them further in the direction of the forests of the south because in the desert it almost does not rain.

And as with the young clouds the same thing happens as with the young humans, ours decided to stand out from their friends to know the world.

- What are you thinking to do? the wind protested. - The desert is all the same and we go to the center of Africa where there are dazzling mountains and trees!

But the young cloud, rebellious by nature, did not obey. He dropped altitude and glided in a gentle breeze near the golden sands. After a long walk, he realized that one of the dunes was smiling at him. She was also young, newly formed by the wind that had just passed and the cloud liked her golden hair.

Good morning - he said. How do you live down there?

I have company with the other dunes, the sun, the wind and the caravans that occasionally pass through here. Sometimes it's very hot but you can take it And how you live there above?

There is also wind and sun, but the advantage is that I can walk through the sky and know many things.

For me life is short - said the dune.

When the wind returns from the jungles, I will disappear

I also answered the cloud - I feel the same. With a new wind I will go south and turn into rain.

But this is my destiny.

You know, here in the desert we say that the rain is Paradise. After the rain we are covered by herbs and flowers.

The cloud thought a little and said:

If you want, I can cover you with rain. I would like? Become an oasis with fresh flowers.

It is a very nice idea, the dune replied, "but if you transform your beautiful white hair into luvia, you will die.

Friendship never dies but transforms. Also, I want to show you Paradise.

The first drops began to fall on the dune and after a while a rainbow appeared. The next day the small dune was covered with flowers. Other clouds that passed in the direction of Africa thought that the forest was there and they released more luvia. Twenty years later, the dune became an oasis that refreshed travelers with the shade of its trees. And all because one day a small cloud was not afraid to give his life for friendship.

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