Duck Game

Duck Game

Adult swim have created an absolute gem here. With a game that is addictive as hell, easy to play but hard to master you can easily lose hoursAdult swim have created an absolute gem here. With a game that is addictive as hell, easy to play but hard to master you can easily lose hours into it. The single player are a fun little distraction if you want to play for a few minutes but multiplayer is where it's at. 4 person free for alls are some of the most rapid and somehow competitively casual gaming you'll ever play. You can also make your own maps with the map editor! There is quite a limited amount of stuff you can do in this game but those things you can do are addictive as hell and so easy to lose time in. Also, the simple addition of the quack button somehow makes this game ten times better than it all ready is. It's mind boggling how something so simple can be so addictively fun!… Expand


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