

Chiara Trupčević 8.a, 2019

Dubrovnik is situated in south Croatia. It is 143,35 km 2 wide and it has 42.615 inhabitants. The climate is Mediterranean.

location of Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik has old complexes "in" new ones. But it is still very modern. The most popular thing in Dubrovnik are Dubrovnik walls that are made to protect it. People there are mostly friendly. While you are there you can go inside Dubrovnik walls and of course you can swim. There are also a lot of museums.

Dubrovnik walls

I like Dubrovnik because I am proud that it is in my country - Croatia. It is one of the prettiest destinations. The reasons for that are simple climate is good and the sea is clear. And of course a lot of people are coming because if its old structure.

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