

Yarolsav Lengerd

На первый взгляд Эмираты - рай для крипты и бизнеса связанного с криптовалютой. И это действительно так, государство вносит изменения, дополнения в законодательство так, чтобы привлечь внимание новых компаний, использующих новые технологии, создающие новые рынки.

Но как всегда, когда мы на начальной стадии формирования не все так как хочется. Есть лицензии - но они ограниченные. Есть свободное передвижение криптовалюты в стране - но только некоторые, ограниченно.

Что серьезно и наверняка так это большая стратегия - UAE Government launches Blockchain Strategy 2021 - это, то что они делают уверенно и быстро. Но это не крипта - это блокчейн.

В регионе нет чётких правил для компаний и бирж, которые предоставляют индустрию цифровых валют - говорит Ола Дудин, руководитель биткоин-стартапа BitOasis (биржа), находящегося в Дубае.


Dubai Multi Commodities Centre - DMCC is a member of the Global Blockchain Council, which began as a Dubai Smart City project and has 46 member organizations globally.

The Centre has started issuing licenses to allow firms trading in cryptocurrencies to operate from its free zone. https://www.dmcc.ae/

Currently, the DMCC is offering two licenses, one being a trading license and the second being a service license.

Trading License: Proprietary Trading in Crypto-commodities.
Service License: Software House.

The first license is a trading license: Proprietary Trading in Crypto-commodities

This particular license includes the buying and selling of crypto-commodities that are/were developed on any distributed ledger technology applications. It also covers proprietary trading of crypto-commodities and dealing in all crypto-commodities and also allows for providing digital as well as physical storage services.

This license does not allow companies to provide any forms of brokerage services, crypto-currency listings, ICOs or derivative products. Any facilitation of financial trade is not allowed. Providing investment management services, marketplace lending, algorithmic trading and any other kind of robo-trading practices, as well as raising equity are not allowed.

The license does not allow companies to do payment processing, any kind of banking services including accounts and transfers. Currency exchange and remittances are also not allowed.

The second license is a service license: Software House

This particular license includes the service of providing database management solutions and ancillary services that are based on distributed ledger technologies. It also allows companies to provide Blockchain infrastructure services. Providing base protocols, platform building services, asset tokenization and marketplace infrastructure development.

Blockchain middleware services are allowed. Activities under this subject include provision of authentication protocols, application programming interface, smart contracts, compliance and verification services, data storage and delivery, network security, and software development.

Blockchain ancillary services are permitted. Record verification aka. mining, information distribution, education and business development is all permitted under the service license.

 The businesses can be set-up by foreigners, employees can be hired internationally and then be provided with residence permits and social security options.

Первая компания! Regal RA DMCC в Дубае, стала первым трейдером на Ближнем Востоке, получившим лицензию на торговлю криптовалютами. Лицензия была выдана Дубайской многопрофильной товарно-сырьевой биржей (DMCC), она позволяет Regal RA приобретать, продавать и хранить ряд криптовалют, таких как Bitcoin, Ethereum и Ripple, а также менее известные альткоины, такие как Neo и Stellar Lumens.


 1 January 2017, the UAE Central Bank published the “Regulatory Framework For Stored Values and Electronic Payment Systems”. The focus of the Regulations was “to facilitate robust adoption of digital payments across the UAE in a secure manner,” but the Regulations contained the following statement which initially caused some concern among the cryptocurrency community in the UAE:

1 February 2017, the Governor of the UAE central bank, Mubarak Rashed Khamis Al Mansouri, issued a statement to Gulf News saying that:


On one hand, the Central Bank of the UAE's Regulatory Framework for Stored Values and Electronic Payment Systems indicates very clearly that "all virtual currencies (and any transactions thereof) are prohibited". On the other hand, the UAE and Saudi Arabia have recently made public their plans to implement their own cryptocurrency to be used and regulated in the region. https://goo.gl/5sfYMW

Emirates NBD, Dubai's largest bank, also confirmed that it doesn't accept cryptocurrencies for remittances. The bank doesn't prohibit customers from undertaking transactions in blockchain-based trading platforms and cryptocurrencies.


Февраль 2018 - UAE Central Bank warns against cryptocurrencies — again. https://goo.gl/tQaRsy


UAE-based Arabianchain raised US$817,000 last year from Ahmad Abdullah Bugshan.

OneGram aims to raise more than US$500 million in capital.

Предупреждения для граждан UAE:

В Дубай проходят интересные мероприятия с реально успешными людьми (про которых все известно) https://dubai.keynote.ae/. На этом форуме полезно оказаться.

Исходя из информации на сайте, эта же организация проводит ICO. Как они написали здесь начинали свои ICO - Ethereum, Dash, Blockchain Capital, Factom, Litecoin, TaaS, Tether, Rootstock. Впечатляет, правда? https://dubai.keynote.ae/icos/

This note is intended to provide a ‘high level’ view of the current regulatory framework, or lack thereof, surrounding Virtual Currencies and ICO’s in the United Arab Emirates (“UAE”).

There are three financial jurisdictions within the UAE, namely:

  1. the ‘onshore’ jurisdiction (“Onshore UAE”);
  2. the Abu Dhabi Global Market (“ADGM”); and
  3. the Dubai International Financial Centre (“DIFC”).


Биржи UAE

Биржи есть, вот основные. Складывается ощущение что многие игроки ждут четкого законодательства на тему крипты, от правительства.




Недавно Шейхи запустили три криптовалюты, который обеспечены алмазами.

Al Mas, Al Haqeek и Al Falah. https://goo.gl/qxH98J

emCash - National Digital Currency - везде написано чтобы правительство запускает свою валюту, а сайт не работает https://emcash.global/ и в официальных источниках ничего нет на эту тему.

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