

Paintings Collection

Artist: Akunyili Crosby

Date: 2012

Medium: acrylic, colored pencil and solvent transfer on paper.

Dimensions: 52.4 by 182.9 cm.

Lot sold by Sotheby's for 1,092,500 USD. +337% above estimate.

© Njideka Akunyili Crosby. 

Akunyili Crosby, in the photo below, (born 1983 in Enugu) is a Nigerian-born visual artist working in Los Angeles, California. Her works on paper combine collage, drawing, painting, printmaking, and photo transfers. Akunyili Crosby negotiates the cultural terrain between her adopted home in America and her native home in Nigeria, creating works that expose the challenges of occupying these two worlds. She has created a sophisticated visual language that pays homage to the history of Western painting while also referencing African cultural traditions. Crosby depicts personal imagery that transcends the specificity of individual experience and engages in a global dialogue about trenchant social and political issues.

November 2014

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