

DEAL Carding Club.

Today we're going to discuss the topic of drops: who are they, how can you find one, and how do you get one to work with you. Let's start simple.

A person like this can be used in a variety of ways from getting your packages to transfering money to everything inbetween.

I want to point out the importance of such person in our work, as thisguy is the one who handles your safety. He uses HIS face and HIS personal information to keep YOU out of trouble. You can think of it as a living proxy.

A lot of people here already know the two types of drops: Framed and non-framed ones. But it's not that simple.

Framed drops

They don't know who you really are, and what are you trying to do. And so they don't know what they're doing. Framed drops can think that everything they do is completely legal.

The pros of this type of drops are obvious: They're cheap, and can even be free at times, but usually the price for their service is somewhere inbetween $20 and $50. The other benefit of framed drops is that you can find a lot of them very quickly.

But with the pros come the cons, being a higher chance of scam or other unseen circumstances that can easily make your drop disappear.

Regular drops

These guys know what they're doing and do it extraordinary well, compared to the previous type. They get a good payment of $70-$100 and can serve you for up to 3 months, which is a lot, compared to framed drops' 10-15 days. Every drop-service has it's own rules by which it works.

A lot of drop-services started just buying your packages giving you a % for them. Different goods cost differently, and % can vary depending on the service. This saves you a lot of time and effort, but makes a smaller paycheck, especially if you're working with expensive goods.

Semi-framed drops

But just as I said, it ain't that simple. A drop may know that he takes part in an illegal activity of some kind, but the true scale of risk will be unbeknownst to him. Meaning, the type of activity he engaged with may differ radically from the one you told him he's going the get into.

Where do I find framed drops?

Candidates for recruitment for your little army are generally low-class people, desperate for quick cash (Hey, just like you!): Alcoholics and severe drug addicts, people that got out of jail, immigrants, gambling addicts who lost their life-savings, punks of all sorts...

You can find 'em at job sites like craiglist (god forbid you actually doing this on craiglist). There's a lot of people out there wanting a quick cash grab, and you might satisfy their needs perfectly. You could even say that this will be a full time job, just don't lie too much.

How do I choose a drop-service?

If you wanted to go the other way around and actually get yourself a responsible drop - good for you, it's a lot easier than convincing people. Just don't rush your choice. Take time to consider all of the offers, digest the rules of every service. Look at the prices, the total number of drops, the geography (it's good to match your drops to the state you're working with). Write the admins, but be nice.

Closing words

Thank you for reading this post. More info on drops, how to find and use them for different cases will be on our carding course.


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