


Hey everyone, I'm here to share my dream which I saw today. I know you all thinking why I'm sharing it here is just because I've no one to share with that's why. So anyway. I saw a romantic and sad dream today in which I had a crush on my professor. I didn't remember his face but he's smart. Let's start from the beginning which I lightly remember. At first I was in a class and he was teaching and suddenly he called me and tell me to explain what he was explaining a min ago. I didn't listen to him at all because I was too busy admiring his beautiful face. So with all of my courage I go on the stage then I clearly don't remember it but I think I was doing something funny like making everyone to greet me "GOOD MORNING MAM" like this everyone was laughing including me and all of sudden our i mean my professor got very angry and merch towards me and there I was controlling my laugh. He approach me and about to yell at me but suddenly i loose my balance and about to fall but he grab me by my waist and we're staring in each other eyes and I can hear my heart beating. It was beating so fast and I think he's heart is also beating fast. You know i saw somewhere when you see someone you loved your pupils will get bigger, I know its stupid but this is what I was thinking that time in my dream. So let's continue, When I saw his eyes I can see that he's pupils got bigger and I think mine get bigger too. So I was sure that maybe he likes me too maybe a lil bit. But I don't know what happen I think he got sudden realization and then he release me and yelled at me so badly like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I TOLD YOU TO EXPLAIN. WHERE WAS YOUR ATTENTION WHEN I WAS EXPLAINING....." like this. And there I was standing looking down and saying "SORRY SIR" I felt bad that time I shouldn't have done that I was thinking suddenly he yelled at me and said "LEAVE" and there I was standing like an idiot saying sorry continuously but he told everyone if i didn't leave now he'll stop teaching so everyone saying me to leave. I really felt bad that time. I don't want anyone's loss because of me so i leave. But before going I make an eye contact with my professor with teary eyes of mine . I think I was wrong that time maybe he didn't like, maybe he hates me. So that's it. I woke up.

I know some of you thinking that i was making a story but really everything what i said was true. I think i left some parts but i don't remember it. So how was it?

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