


I had been invited to stay on a cushy country estate under the guise of inheriting some fortune. I can't remember exactly how I found out that the lawyer who owned the estate was a demon named lilith, but somehow my soul was taken. There was an area you waited for all eternity, but you could escape into the wilderness with some trickery. The further you got from the starting ground, the more weird stuff got.

I gave Lilith the slip and crept away into the wilderness, but realized it was so barren I couldn't survive. Not only there was no animals to hunt for, the air itself didn't have enough oxygen to support life. I barely made it back without dying of hypoxia. I doubled back and took a different route, thinking to myself that I needed to find a more hospital environment than the frigid, oxygen-deprived swamp. At some point I got a call from lilith. I declined it. This new route was much more temperate, and had a large old oak forest in it. I met a middle school kid who had also ran off. We stumbled on an abandoned mansion. We stayed there for the night, but the kid fell for a tripwire trap that blew up a grenade.

Sound attracted the residents of this world. They looked like people, but they were slightly off. There faces just never quite emoted like humans, their eyes never looked just right, and if you watched them long enough, you could see they took to repetitive action. The sound of the grenade blowing up attracting them to the mansion and I had to run.

I escaped into this stone maze with ivy crawling down the walls. I traveled a few days and found more real humans. I met an old couple, a black kid and his mom, and we eventually took shelter in a small building in a city that looked kinda like Savannah. We couldn't barricade the entire house, so we barricaded an apartment-like room with access to the fenced in backyard.

We stayed there for a few days, and I found a revolver in the house. I intended to head over a prison across the bay to collect weapons and armor, but for the time being we were all hanging out in the backyard, when me and another guy decided to peek out the front door for some reason. Across the street we saw an almost-human with a strange face pacing up and down the same 10 foot stretch of street, making all the same gestures each time.

For some reason, the black kid got pissed off and shouted at it. I slammed the door and told everyone to get their stuff together. We hopped over the fence and took off. It seemed like we weren't being pursued until an almost-human driving a truck with a trailer attached plowed through a fence nearby and tried to hit us.

I shot him in the neck through the windshield, and he kept coming. I shot him a second time through the side window, this time in the chest. The older guy in our group tried to drag it out of the truck, but it gravely injured him by slashing at his neck.

I shot it a third and fourth time in the neck. The wife of the older guy went crazy after seeing her husband get hurt and started beating the things head with a shattered 2x4 from the trucks impact.

I shot a fifth and sixth time, one hitting his heart and the other hitting just above his jaw. He was still clinging on, so I hopped in and started pistol whipping him to try and crush the brain. He grabbed the pistol and bent it so bad it shattered the grip and barely left the cylinder functional.

We finally killed the fucker by smashing his head in with the 2x4. The six gunshots definitely attracted attention, so we said fuck it and jacked the truck. We gunned it for the prison and used the truck to ram through the gate and ran through the prison looking for the wardens office.

We ran toward the wardens office, but only found a single grenade. Before we could leave, we heard ominous footsteps approaching from the end of the hall. Lilith had arrived. The old lady broke down and said she was done. Her husband was gone and there was no point. She walked out the door.

The black kid said he wanted to surrender too. I snuck a live grenade into his hood and let him go. When I turned around, everyone else was gone too. I heard Lilith ask me to surrender through the door. I told her I couldn't hear her and asked her to step closer to the door. When she was right up against the door, I slammed it open. I took advantage of her being stunned and bolted for the stairs.

I made my way to the kitchen and made a quick decision. I turned all of the gas stoves on and waited. Finally, lilith opened the door, with a bloody nose. I backed up toward the ovens, but she didn't follow initially. She smelled the air and said "I'm confused, was there something you were going to do here? You've got no grenades left, and no working firearms to ignite that gas with. Please dont be difficult and come back home with me now."

I backed towards the ovens a few more steps, and she looked exasperated and finally strolled towards me. I waited until she was within a few paces of me, and I drew my trap card: the broken revolver. The grip was shattered and the barrel was bent, but I only needed a spark. She looked at it shocked and started laughed. She congratulated me, and said "you've got my permission to leave, but you will have to return eventually". I pulled the trigger and the gun exploded in my hand, and the prison with it. I woke up and wrote it down before I could forgot.

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