

Humanity is addicted to pain!! Pain is the drug many humans are on, while desiring to be without it. Drama is the energy wave, they are surfing and victimhood perpetuates them.

Most people reading these “statements” would not value them as their truth. In fact they would embrace the exact opposite of it … “this is not true, this is false”. Possibly some would even be spiritually evolved enough to make the subtle distinction, as “not true … for me! … rather than in general”.

Still, the upper “observation” is one from a single human's clarity … expanded into his (part) of all humanity … the collective self.

Anyway, rather than argue if “anything” is true or false on a duality spectrum of “law of attraction and repulsion” it as a whole … let us become aware of it.

Becoming aware of something, is an individual “technique” of receiving and opening up to any outside offered energy and frequency, in a free will state of Being!

This “technique” is one of ultimate power, because the one offering this state … Knows the inner Light he or she holds as True Self. From this “state” of Being, there exists No power … to alter this self into a “lower” state, as the one this self is … aware of.

Therefore what remains are two options “out of” the holy trinity, this I self is in.

One option is the “outside offered” awareness is a “lower” vibration as the self holds, in which this is an opportunity to assist both the outside as well as the inside held memory of it … for clearing.

The other option is the “outside offered” awareness is a “higher” vibration as the self holds, in which this is an opportunity for growth and upliftment.

So why is “drama” good? Because all is Love and Go(o)d! Therefore drama is Love, rather than the human understanding of “good and bad” on a duality scale.

Drama in fact is a manifestation of change. However, it is a human construct of “resisting change as long as possible and ultimately make a shift … projected and felt as bad”.

There are many reasons as to why humans “do this and act this way”. The main reasons are, believe in linear time, outside-in love and individual self separation awareness.

So what about pain and why would humans be addicted to it?

Humans have the ability to travel in “All Awareness”. Most humans only “travel back in what they believe is past time”. However, linear time doesn't exist … only the One Now and All Awareness does.

So what they “do … as in self create”, they look up emotions of past they have stored in their body and labeled as “good or bad” on an “extreme level of feeling”!!

They project “all feelings” to the memories of “emotional sensations” they experienced in “this life” stored in their “physical body”, which they self identify with!!

This is what they are seemingly “unaware of” while “doing it”. It is a human habit of moving between states of “Being and Becoming”.

However, because True Feelings are Not limited to the sole “emotional spectrum”, but far beyond they keep themselves within this “emotional frequency band reality”. They keep returning and searching for the best, highest and most ecstatic “sensations”.

Now, what they don't understand and know is, everything “stored” is always “below” their current highest self awareness, they already are connected to in the (K)Now.

Therefore the “old” stored memory only serves the “ego child awareness” as lessons learned. You on a “higher self” awareness exist in co-exisistance and co-creation with your mental “ego part” operator.

I'll leave it with that for today, offering it out to all willing to receive it freely 💓💞💕🙏🌈😘


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