



Прошу розглянути контракт із LinkHaiTao. Наразі ми заключаємо партнерство з ними і створюємо аффіліанту програму та території Китаю.

З нашого боку ми переглянули документ і маємо декілька зауважень, щодо окремих пунктів.

2.7 票据:乙方每月根据双方确认的业绩数据结算金额向甲方开具发票,双方确认的数据结算金额为发票的价税合计金额。在乙方在收到甲方的佣金,经甲方申请,乙方应于5个工作日内向甲方开具发票,并在5个工作日内向乙方汇款。
Bills: Party B shall issue invoice to Party A monthly according to the data of achievements that has agreed by both parties. The final amount agreed by both parties is the tax-inclusive amount on the invoice. Party B shall issue invoice to Party A within five working days as requested by Party A after receiving commissions from Party A and paid to the bank account of Party B within five working days.

Збільшити кількість днів до 10.

2.10 甲方如果在合作过程当中,出现网站产品、频道增减和域名变更,需提前10个工作日,以电子邮件或其他书面形式的方式告知乙方,如有必要需要协调出具补充协议,如未通知乙方,一切损失均由甲方承担。
If Party A changes its website products, increases or decreases its channels or changes its domain name within the cooperation period, Party A shall inform Party B by e-mail or in other writing form 10 working days in advance and supplementary agreement may be signed if necessary. In case of failure to notify Party B, Party A shall bear all resulted losses.

Доповнити пункт "increases or decreases its channels". Перерахувати допустимі і недопустимі канали трафіку.

Partner is not permitted to bid in Pay-Per-Click campaigns on keywords such as macpaw.com, macpaw, www.macpaw, www.macpaw.com, cleanmymac, clean my mac, cleanmymac.com, www.cleanmymac, www.cleanmymac.com, www.cleanmypc.com, cleanmypc, clean my pc, cleanmypc.com, www.cleanmypc and/or any misspellings or similar alterations of these -- be it separately or in combination with other keywords or, if a partner is a coupon affiliate, in combination with + coupon, + discount and similar key phrases. Bidding on those keywords will be considered a trademark violation and the partner will be terminated and banned from MacPaw Affiliate Program.

Partner may not bid on the trademarks “MacPaw” or “MacPaw.com,” or any variations thereof, including misspellings. Partner may not use those trademarked names in meta tags or domain names or link directly to our site from PPC ads.

A partner may use mailings to customers to promote MacPaw products as long as the recipient is already a customer or subscriber of the partner's services or website, and recipients have the option to remove themselves from future mailings. Please note that the partner cannot appear as “MacPaw” in the emails that he sends.

Permitted traffic sources and activities: content websites; blogs; social media groups that belong to partner's site/blog; cashback websites; newsletters to double-opt-in contacts.

Disapproved traffic sources and activities: ppc bidding; cookie stuffing; disruptive ad formats (popups, popunders, etc.); toolbars, plugins, and browser extensions/helper objects, shopping assistance applications, etc.; teaser networks; subnetworks (subject to transparency screening); fraud and spamming; promote or display sexually explicit materials; cybersquatting and typosquatting; coupon usage (restricted usage). To see a full list of prohibited activities, please refer to our Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions

2.16 保证金: 甲方支付给乙方的保证金为1600美金(大写:壹仟陆佰美金),此保证金在乙方为甲方提供服务前汇到乙方帐户上。当甲方结算金额连续两个月达到已缴纳保证金的两倍以上时,甲方应将保证金提高至已缴纳保证金的五倍并于次月7号前汇到乙方账户上,以此类推,当已缴纳保证金的金额达到 $70,000元(大写:柒万美金)时,保证金的额度停止上浮,如在合同期间,甲方未出现违反合同或提前终止或解除的行为,乙方将在合同期满终止并全部结算完毕后,全额无息退还。
Deposit: Party A shall provide deposit $1,600(in words: 1,600 dollars)to Party B, which will be paid to the bank account of Party B before provision of services by Party B to Party A. If the settled amount of Party A is over double the paid deposit for two continuous months, Party A shall raise the deposit to be five times the paid deposit and such raised deposit shall be paid to the bank account of Party B before the 7th day of the next month. When the paid deposit reaches $70,000 (in words: 70,000 dollars), the deposit shall not be further raised. If Party A does not violate the contract or terminate or cancel the contract in advance, Party B shall return such deposit to Party A without interest when the contract is terminated upon expiry and all amounts are finally settled.

Змінити сумму депозиту на "$7 000 (in words: seven thousand dollars)".

4.10 甲方应保证服务器在合作期间的稳定性,若因为服务器出现问题导致损失,甲方应该承担这部分损失,服务器出现问题期间,每天的补偿金额以前十天的平均业绩为准。
Party A shall ensure the working stability of the server in the cooperation period. In case of any loss arising from the fault of server, Party A shall bear such losses. Party A shall make compensate for the suspension of server based on the average sales value in the past ten days before suspension. 

У випадку якщо на нашому сайті будуть проводитись технічні роботи, ми будемо зобов'язані попередити про це за 3 дні.

+ In case if technical work is carried out on Party A website, Party A will be obliged to notify Party B within 3 days.

Якщо виникнуть питання, із радістю відповім.

Гарного дня!

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