

Rails Girls Chisinau was a blast!

25 young women with no coding background

embraced the challenge to create a web application

using Ruby on Rails.

After the workshop, they can apply this knowledge

to create their own websites

and bring their original ideas to life

We had 2 workshops on Saturday and Sunday

where our volunteer mentors guided our participants

to help them write their very first line of code

and finish a website by the end of the weekend!

We are glad to attract at workshop participants with various backgrounds.

Among our group, we had:

a teacher with 10 years of experience,

a journalist with 8 year of experience,

an international volunteer,

a mom with her 15 year old daughter learning to code together.

Regardless of your age, educational experience or background,

you can always learn something new,

and we challenge you to try programming!

Rails Girls is a non-profit event that aims to empower women,

by helping them understand technology,

and creating their first coding projects :)

We really hope to see you next year!

Proiectul e destinat femeilor fără experienta în IT, care doresc să se reprofileze sau pur și simplu să înțeleagă dacă le-ar plăcea să lucreze în acest domeniu.

Am ascultat prezentările entuziasmate ale speakerilor și ne-am apucat de treaba; fiecare la calculatorul ei, în 2 zile, urma să creăm de la 0 o aplicație web.

M-am bucurat când am reușit să fixez ceva, mai pe scurt, am trecut printr-un amalgam de emoții zilele astea 2 și am ajuns acasă altfel decât am venit. Știți de ce?!

Pentru că această provocare nu a fost doar despre mine,

Toate aceste 25 femei au demonstrat că vârsta, statutul, lipsa de experiență nu sunt un impediment pt a te dezvolta și a-ți seta scopuri îndrăznețe în viața. 

Nu, participarea în acest proiect nu înseamnă că de mâine toate vor fi IT-șnici și nu vor mai scoate capul din calculator.

Poate, într-un final, multe nici nu vom activa în acest domeniu vreodată, dar am încercat și ne-a reușit ceva.

Rails Girls was launched in 2010 in Helsinki. Planned as a one-time event, it gained great support from the participants, who later contributed to the organization of the next editions. The event has been since organized in other cities. From then on, it takes place regularly in many countries throughout the world.

In Moldova, the first edition took place in Chișinău, in May 2015.

During the event the participants will be able to develop their projects following the guide and with the help of the Rails Girls’ mentors.

What is the format?

(around 16 hours of coursework).

Who can participate?

Women with no specific technical background or prior programming experience.

The participation is free of charge. You will need a laptop and the desire to learn.

2 days full of challenges

first day

super intersting

the mentors were helpful

they answered questions

you come totally new and you start to understand

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