door frame pull up bar exercises

door frame pull up bar exercises

door entry systems hertfordshire

Door Frame Pull Up Bar Exercises


Hand crafted quality with a lifetime warranty. The UD6 has 1/2"thick foam fulcrums that sit on your door frame to protect your trim. Sitting 4"from your door frame keeps your elbows from rubbing on the doorEasy four bolt assembly. resistance bands to provide lift of 60 lbs while working out. Our products have over 95% American made content. These supplies are shipped by US transport companies to our manufacturing facility in Leamington, Ontario. Hi, my name is EJ Reeves and I make the world's best wide doorway pull up bar, it's 41" wide. Before I go on about the features of my Universal 6 grip doorway pull up bar let me tell you how pull ups gave me a new body. Yes, pull ups not weights but bodyweight exercises. The secret is two twenty minute sessions a week doing pull ups. The hardest upper body exercise is the wide grip pull up. Since it is the hardest that makes it the best. You might say that is fine but I can't do one wide grip pull up. Well neither could I when I started so I designed a bar that had six different grip positions.

These six positions start with an easy narrow grip chin up and each grip after is seven inches wider making each grip slightly more difficult. I have been doing pull ups for a dozen years and my best 1 set maximum is 30 strict repetitions. Check out the video. My best 1 repetition with added weight is 100lbs. Check out that video. My best 6 minute workout had more than 100 pull ups and push ups. Check out that video. I say this in utter amazement because I never dreamed my pull up journey would bring me this far. You can start your pull up journey now and I would be honored to help with any tips I have learned! I am a retired steel worker and use steel that has been made by American workers in Fairbury, Illinois. My competitors for doorway pull up bars all use made in China pull up bars. There are numerous American companies that import Chinese pull up bars. Feel good about your body and your country! None of my Chinese/American label competitors use welding on any of their pull up bars.

Rather, they use up to 10 fasteners and screws to make an inexpensive product. I have found that critical areas of the pull up bar need to be welded both for sturdiness and a clean, functional design. Our innovative design has 6 different width positions of your hands based on 7" increments. None of the other bars have this variety. Many advertise more than 6 positions but in reality they only have 3 positions with the others as duplicates in the measured width of hand placement. The UD-6 doorway pull up bar is the only bar that utilizes a cantilever hold on your doorway for all grip positions. This means your hands are always 3 1/2" away from your doorframe. It is impossible to design a bar to do this without welding critical parts. A safer, more secure bar is the result. Easyeffort's UD-6 can fit wider doorways up to a 37" opening. In addition we offer a substitute set of "L" arms for use on wider walls and wider trim. We are the only manufacturer of pull up bars that offers this because we want everyone to have the opportunity to do pull ups with the convenience of a doorway pull up bar.

Check out our video demonstrating our wide doorway pull up bar. We are the only North American manufacturer of doorway pull up bars. In 2000 Easyeffort sold its first pull up bar, that’s 15 years of design and manufacturing expertise. Our specialty is pull up bars for home or office use. We provide personal customer service by phone or email before and after the sale. By comparison other vendors let you guess beforehand if their product will work in your particular door frame and if any part breaks or wears out, like foam grips, you need to buy another bar. We offer replacement foam grips and any part that you may need years after the sale. All we do is pull up bars. This exciting new design combines all the features of our Universal Door Mount 6 grip doorway pull up bar with the features of our innovative Travel bar. Four threaded inserts have been pressed into the body of the pull up bar then welded. This along with four quick connect bolts equipped with large grip knobs allow you to assemble this bar anywhere, anytime quickly and with no tools!

Available with our unique 20" L arms if needed. Use this bar at home and on the road. Great for individuals who travel and want to maintain a pull up routine in hotel rooms or at your friends house. $89.95 plus $14.95 S&H We cannot accept International & Canadian orders at this time. This Hybrid Bar is the ultimate in convenience, comfort and features. Please note that you cannot bring the disassembled Hybrid bar onto a plane with your carry on luggage The metal parts of the Hybrid bar can be viewed as potential weapons by airport security. You must put the bar in a suitcase that is checked for storage in the belly of the plane, not carry on. It is probably politically incorrect to criticize mega-corporations that only sell Chinese products to the exclusion of North American products. China now manufactures most of America’s consumer products. U.S. manufacturing is the hardest hit by imports from China with millions of good paying manufacturing jobs for American workers gone.

Easyeffort buys American made steel, foam grips and even our tools are from U.S. manufacturers. We are a small family business in Leamington, Ontario but we are committed to buying 95% of our supplies from U.S. manufacturers. U.S. workers should benefit from U.S. customers! What some of our customers are saying about the Hybrid bar: "I received the bar today and everything works great! I really appreciate the well-thought-out design and simplicity for breaking down. "I use it all the time and I take it when I travel as well. Just used it at the Hilton in Saint John, NB" -Juergen "I found your travel pull-up bar on your website; looks perfect for me, as I travel for a living." -Pete "I have received my pull-up bar and loving it. I travel for work and it is nice to be able to bring the gym with me." -John Kaye »    »    »    »  By  | Pull up bars are unsung heroes among exercise equipment which can provide a complete full body workout for a very small investment and without any need for lots of space in your room.

For around $10 it is possible to get a bar that will fit in your door frame. These are adjustable meaning that they will fit into door frames of any size and anyone can use them. While the majority will unfortunately leave screw holes, others can simply fit over the frame and hook onto the top to fix in place with no need for any hammering or screwing. At the same time these are perfect for taking with you in your suit case when you are going on holiday or travelling, and this way you can exercise on the go. Then this can provide � anywhere � one of the best full upper body workouts and just a normal chin up will train the biceps, the lats, the traps, the forearms and the abs. What really makes the pull up bar stand out however is just how useful it is and how many different exercises you can do on one for an almost full-body workout. Many people will simply do a few pull ups and chin ups and be completely oblivious to the huge range of other moves they could be using them for. Here we will have a look at just a few of the other moves you can do.

What's harder than a pull up? Doing a pull up with one arm. Equally one armed chin ups will have the same effect. Of course many people can't do a one armed pull up, but fortunately there are many variations you can use to learn this skill. For example you can do a one armed pull up whilst jumping slightly � jumping up to the bar and then using the one arm to slowly let yourself descend. This is what's called a 'negative', as the downwards side of the movement is known as the negative side. If you practice this enough then you will learn to do one armed pull ups. Another variation is to only have one arm on the bar, but to use your spare arm to hold onto your other wrist and use this to help pull yourself up. A rocking pull up is another good way to build up to being able to do full one armed pull ups as you are taking some of the weight on your other arm. Here you alternate between pulling yourself up to the left, and pulling yourself up to the right, each side isolating that bicep and that side of your lats slightly more.

An around the world is a pull up where you draw a circle with your upper body. Of course this requires a lot of upper body strength, but at the same time it is an incredible workout for your biceps, your lats and your abs. When you do these, you don't do pull ups but rather hold yourself up and then move forwards and backwards slowly while remaining at that height. This again will train your lats and traps a lot, and will require a lot of muscle control to keep yourself at that position. Static contraction is any exercise that involves holding a position rather than repeating a movement. For example then, holding yourself up on the pull up bar but not actually doing pull ups, or hanging with your arms fully extended are both examples of static contraction. This trains the same areas, but focuses on the slow twitch muscle fibres and trains your endurance. Bruce Lee used to use a lot of static contraction and believed that it was one of the best ways to build muscle strength if not one of the best ways to develop muscle all round.

When you do leg raises you essentially just hang from the bar and swing your legs up slowly in front of you (slowly is much harder than doing it quickly). This will train the tops of your abs which are notoriously difficult to target, and will also require static contraction for your arms. Frog kicks are the slightly easier version of leg raises � here you simply bring your knees up to your chest rather than extending your legs in front of you. This is great for beginners who perhaps cannot yet perform leg raises, but is also very useful for those who want a tough workout to add to the end of leg raises when they can't do any more of those � 10 leg raises followed immediately by 10 frog kicks is an excellently taxing workout. Scissor kicks are a great way to train your abs again � here you lift yourself into any position, and then just make small scissor motions with your legs while holding the pose. For a reverse press up you will need to either lower the bar, or provide the back of a chair or something to put your legs on.

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