Decisive Liberty Newsletter
Ukraine Geopolitics 101
  • Northwest Ukraine is ethnically Ukranian while the southeast is ethnically Russian

  • There are a large number of biolabs mostly in northwest Ukraine

  • The U.S govt has been heavily meddling with the Ukraine government since Obama, still so but to a lesser degree before Obama

  • 80% of the Ukraine government are non-Ukranians, they are expats / foreigners from elsewhere

  • Globally, Neo-Nazism is most prevalent in Ukrane

About the Documentary

Click the above image to view the documentary on rumble…

A young French director and mother, Anne-Laure Bonnel decides to accompany Alexandre - a father of Ukrainian origin - in the Donbass region (which is in East Ukraine where the Russian ethnicity is very prevalent).

Since 2015, she has been capturing the terrible images of a deadly conflict and an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.

'Donbass' is an immersive road movie, a gripping documentary film in a torn country. In essence, Donbass and the eastern Ukraine region is being bombed by their own government.

Remember, Ukraine is VITAL for the Deep State - no Ukraine, no Deep State. Not very wise of the DS to put all their eggs in one basket, but here we are...

For those going down the Russian influence path - stop. The ONLY resistance Anne-Laure has been getting is from those with the same mentality. Which means those with an open mind have not been giving her any resistance. If you believe she is invfluenced by Russia - prove it, otherwise, take a deep breath, relax and watch the video - you’ll need the information within her documentary for the future as we are quite sure the incidents she has uncovered are not going to go away. Anne-Laure is not the only independent reporter covering this atrocity and Nuremberg trials are coming back in style again (ICYMI - there’s already one under way in Germany for the COVID-19 fiasco)…

Another Powerful Documentary

Lastly, we HIGHLY recommend 'UKRAINE on Fire' by Oliver Stone, here is the link for that documentary..

UKRAINE of FIRE - Oliver Stone

Do know that the Netflix 'Winter On Fire' is pushing the Leftist narrative - they make a lot of accusations based purely on filtered actions and intentionally fail every time to explain why such actions were taken and even necessary. Their narrative follows the classic Alinsky's Rules and Cloward-Piven strategy... They’re Liberals, they can’t help themselves.

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