
Yes, the name DOMTokenList is an unfortunate legacy mishap.


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In all current engines.

Firefox50+Safari10.1+Chrome42+ Opera32+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)16+IENone Firefox for Android50+iOS Safari10.3+Chrome for Android45+Android WebView45+Samsung Internet5.0+Opera Mobile32+


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Firefox50+Safari10.1+Chrome42+ Opera32+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)16+IENone Firefox for Android50+iOS Safari10.3+Chrome for Android45+Android WebView45+Samsung Internet5.0+Opera Mobile32+


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interface DOMTokenList { readonly attribute ); ); [); [, optional ); [, ); ); [ attribute DOMString value; iterable<DOMString>;

A DOMTokenList object has an associated token set (a set), which is
initially empty.

A DOMTokenList object also has an associated element and an attribute’s local name.

Specifications may define supported tokens for a DOMTokenList's
associated attribute’s local name.

A DOMTokenList object’s validation steps for a given token are:

A DOMTokenList object’s update steps are:

A DOMTokenList object’s serialize steps are to return the result of running get an attribute value given the associated element and the associated attribute’s local name.

A DOMTokenList object has these attribute change steps for its associated element:

When a DOMTokenList object is created, then:

tokenlist . length

Returns the number of tokens.

tokenlist . item(index) tokenlist[index]

Returns the token with index index.

tokenlist . contains(token)

Returns true if token is present; otherwise false.

tokenlist . add(tokens…)

Adds all arguments passed, except those already present.

Throws a "SyntaxError" DOMException if one of the arguments is the empty string.

Throws an "InvalidCharacterError" DOMException if one of the arguments contains any ASCII whitespace.

tokenlist . remove(tokens…)

Removes arguments passed, if they are present.

Throws a "SyntaxError" DOMException if one of the arguments is the empty string.

Throws an "InvalidCharacterError" DOMException if one of the arguments contains any ASCII whitespace.

tokenlist . toggle(token [, force])

If force is not given, "toggles" token, removing it if it’s present and adding it if it’s not present. If force is true, adds token (same as add()). If force is false, removes token (same as remove()).

Returns true if token is now present; otherwise false.

Throws a "SyntaxError" DOMException if token is empty.

Throws an "InvalidCharacterError" DOMException if token contains any spaces.

tokenlist . replace(token, newToken)

Replaces token with newToken.

Returns true if token was replaced with newToken; otherwise false.

Throws a "SyntaxError" DOMException if one of the arguments is the empty string.

Throws an "InvalidCharacterError" DOMException if one of the arguments contains any ASCII whitespace.

tokenlist . supports(token)

Returns true if token is in the associated attribute’s supported tokens. Returns false otherwise.

Throws a TypeError if the associated attribute has no supported tokens defined.

tokenlist . value

Returns the associated set as string.

Can be set, to change the associated attribute.


In all current engines.

Firefox50+Safari5.1+Chrome8+ OperaYesEdge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+IE10+ Firefox for Android50+iOS Safari5.1+Chrome for Android18+Android WebView3+Samsung Internet1.0+Opera MobileYes

The length attribute' getter must return this’s token set’s size.

The object’s supported property indices are the numbers in the range zero to object’s token set’s size minus one, unless token set is empty,
in which case there are no supported property indices.


In all current engines.

Firefox3.6+Safari5.1+Chrome8+ OperaYesEdge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+IE10+ Firefox for Android4+iOS Safari5.1+Chrome for Android18+Android WebView3+Samsung Internet1.0+Opera MobileYes

The item(index) method steps are:


In all current engines.

Firefox3.6+Safari5.1+Chrome8+ OperaYesEdge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+IE10+ Firefox for Android4+iOS Safari5.1+Chrome for Android18+Android WebView3+Samsung Internet1.0+Opera MobileYes

The contains(token) method steps are
to return true if this’s token set[token] exists; otherwise


In all current engines.

Firefox3.6+Safari5.1+Chrome8+ OperaYesEdge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+IE10+ Firefox for Android4+iOS Safari5.1+Chrome for Android18+Android WebView3+Samsung Internet1.0+Opera MobileYes

The add(tokens…) method steps are:


In all current engines.

Firefox3.6+Safari5.1+Chrome8+ OperaYesEdge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+IE10+ Firefox for Android4+iOS Safari5.1+Chrome for Android18+Android WebView3+Samsung Internet1.0+Opera MobileYes

The method steps are:


In all current engines.

Firefox3.6+Safari5.1+Chrome8+ OperaYesEdge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+IE10+ Firefox for Android4+iOS Safari5.1+Chrome for Android18+Android WebView3+Samsung Internet1.0+Opera MobileYes

The toggle(token, force) method steps are:

The update steps are not always run for toggle() for web compatibility.


In all current engines.

Firefox49+Safari10.1+Chrome61+ Opera48+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)17+IENone Firefox for Android49+iOS Safari10.3+Chrome for Android61+Android WebView61+Samsung Internet8.0+Opera Mobile45+

The replace(token, newToken) method steps are:

The update steps are not always run for replace() for web compatibility.

The supports(token) method steps are:

  1. Let result be the return value of validation steps called with token.

  2. Return result.


In all current engines.

Firefox47+Safari10+Chrome50+ Opera37+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)17+IENone Firefox for Android47+iOS Safari10+Chrome for Android50+Android WebView50+Samsung Internet5.0+Opera Mobile37+

The value attribute must return the
result of running this’s serialize steps.

Setting the value attribute must set an attribute value for the
associated element using associated attribute’s local name and
the given value.

DOM Level 3 XPath defined an API for evaluating XPath 1.0 expressions. These APIs are widely implemented, but have not been maintained. The interface
definitions are maintained here so that they can be updated when Web IDL changes.
Complete definitions of these APIs remain necessary and such work is tracked and can be contributed
to in whatwg/dom#67. [DOM-Level-3-XPath] [XPath] [WEBIDL]

interface XPathResult { const  = 0; const  = 1; const  = 2; const  = 3; const  = 4; const  = 5; const  = 6; const  = 7; const  = 8; const  = 9; readonly attribute ; readonly attribute ; readonly attribute ; readonly attribute ; readonly attribute ; readonly attribute ; readonly attribute ; (); ();
interface XPathExpression { // XPathResult.ANY_TYPE = 0 (, optional  = 0, optional  = null);
callback interface XPathNSResolver { ();
}; interface mixin XPathEvaluatorBase { [(, optional  = null); (); // XPathResult.ANY_TYPE = 0 (, , optional  = null, optional  = 0, optional  = null);
Document includes XPathEvaluatorBase;
interface XPathEvaluator { constructor();
}; XPathEvaluator includes XPathEvaluatorBase;

For historical reasons you can both construct XPathEvaluator and access the same
methods on Document.

XSL Transformations (XSLT) is a language for transforming XML documents
into other XML documents. The APIs defined in this section have been widely implemented, and are
maintained here so that they can be updated when Web IDL changes. Complete definitions
of these APIs remain necessary and such work is tracked and can be contributed to in whatwg/dom#181. [XSLT]

interface XSLTProcessor { constructor(); (); [(, ); [(); ([, , ); ([, ); (); ();

This standard used to contain several interfaces and interface members that have been removed.

These interfaces have been removed:

  • DOMConfiguration
  • DOMError
  • DOMErrorHandler
  • DOMImplementationList
  • DOMImplementationSource
  • DOMLocator
  • DOMObject
  • DOMUserData
  • Entity
  • EntityReference
  • MutationEvent
  • MutationNameEvent
  • NameList
  • Notation
  • RangeException
  • TypeInfo
  • UserDataHandler

And these interface members have been removed:

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