

Hisàkata Reverie.
This story is made up, all characters (expect for Naoki Kaizen is belong to Hoyoverse). And has nothing to do with the canon storyline.

I used to have a simple life, like everyone else. Before the shogunate kill my parents away and take me to the shogun. I thought my life ended there.

But no, I was surprised that the Shogun let me live, but with one condition, I need to shut my mouth about the shogunate slaughtered my whole family and dedicate my life to serve Her, The Shogun.

”I want you to do me a favor, Kaizen.” She speaks, I nod, waiting for her next line, “I need you to follow the 6th Harbinger, Balladeer.” My face was in shock, but i managed to calm down and nod again, leaving the Shogun. “Oh, and also tell him, i’m gonna speaks to him when i’m ready” I turn back, its not the Shogun, its Her, Ei. I smile and nod, continue leaving Tenshukaku.

“Came out before i make you.” His voice making me shiver, did I just getting caught by him? I have no choice but show myself. “What are your purpose?” He speaks again, but this time, he look at my eye, making me feel powerless. “Don’t try to lie.”

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