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incontinence products – the good ones, that is – can effectively curb your dog’s urinary problems. Dogs hold their urine in their bladder, and when they urinate that urine then passes through a small tube called the urethra… sound familiar? Yes, their systems work exactly the same as ours do. And for most dogs, the system works great and allows them to hold their urine for up to eight hours at a time. When a dog is suffering from urinary incontinence, they will experience involuntary or uncontrollable leaking of urine from the bladder. Often times, this leaking occurs when the dog is sleeping or resting, and it is quite common to see the dog licking the vulva or penile opening. The leaking can happen at any time of the day, but is more common during resting hours. Aging dogs, dogs with hormone problems, spayed or neutered dogs or dogs suffering from disease can also be more susceptible. Dogs who suffer from urinary incontinence often experience secondary problems such as…

Treatments for dog urinary incontinence vary depending on the individual dog and the cause of the incontinence. Unfortunately, you may have to treat the incontinence along with the secondary problem, but thankfully there are many safe natural products to help with this process. Can't find your exact issue on this page? Our veterinarians will answer your specific question no later than tomorrow... click here to ask a veterinarian via My Online Vet. You can also review pictures and questions submitted by other visitors in our My Online Vet Ask-A-Vet Library section on Dog Urinary Incontinence. top of Dog Incontinence Products There are several effective dog incontinence products on the market to make life easier for you and your dog. They come in five categories.  The first four help with accidents and the last one is made to specifically improve the Dog diapers are a great option when your dog’s incontinence is not strictly a nighttime problem. 

If your dog is having daily accidents in the house, this is definitely your best option alongside effective herbal supplements. If your dog has never worn a dog diaper or any type of doggie clothing, it may be a struggle at first to keep the diaper in place. Certain dogs take to the diaper with no problem at all, while others will try anything to get it off their rear end. It may take persistence (and dog treats!), but in due time, your dog will most likely get used to the feeling of the diaper. Cloth diapers are the eco-friendly option and can actually be much more comfortable than their plastic disposable counterparts. We like the Simple Solution Washable Diapers (pictured right): If your dog’s urinary incontinence is still somewhat under control and your dog is responsive to training, then training pads are a good Consider placing them near the door where your dog (hopefully) asks to go out and close to their favorite resting place. 

also want to get your dog comfortable with the pads by on the grass and encouraging your dog to use them there. Not all training pads are considered go with a biodegradable option or a product made from recycled material like Simple Solution's Eco-Care Training Pads (pictured above right). They're not quite as well-made as the less eco-friendly options, but they still work great. Otherwise you'll be happy with Four Paws' Wee-Wee Pads (pictured right). In addition to being extremely absorb ant, they're scented to encourage dogs to urinate on them. Nighttime is a major problem for most dogs with urinaryIt is not safe or sanitary for a dog to sleep on a wet, urine filled surface, nor is it probable that you will wake up in the middle of the night to clean the dogs’ bed. That leaves very few options to help promote the dog’s health and your sanity, but thankfully there is a great option out there for you The SleePee Time Bed from

was developed and designed to fit the needs of incontinent dogs while they sleep.  It’s a unique, patented product that provides comfort and protection for your dog, and we The only downside is that it's not built for dogs over 75 pounds (34 kg) (for bigger dogs, your best bet is to go with a pee-proof bed liner like the ones from Buddy Beds (pictured right) Now back to the SleePee Time the words of the dog incontinence products manufacturer, here's how the system works: “Your dog sleeps on a bed of special vinyl-coated polyester fiber mesh. This unique fabric has a wider gauge mesh than ordinary PVC pipe dog beds, so urine flows easily through the mesh to the protective pan waiting below. …the SleePee-Time Bed® hugs your dog with luxurious "lambs fleece" bolsters and a pillow for warmth and security, but the unique design makes sure the cuddly "lambs fleece" stays clean and dry. …to clean up after your pet with the SleePee-Time® system - just spray the bed with any non-abrasive household cleaner and wipe!

The bolsters stay clean and dry, but can easily be removed for machine washing and drying as needed. The pan keeps the floor or carpet clean, too. Air circulates under your pet with SleePee-Time's® open mesh sleeping surface to promote comfort and evaporation. The SleePee-Time Bed® is low to the ground, so it's easy to step in or out of - Perfect for dogs suffering from orthopedic problems.” The price for the SleePee Time Bed is $119, but according to dog owners who currently use it, “It’s the best thing since sliced bread!” When it comes to dog urine cleaning products, there are lots of great, natural options for your home, carpet and dog... The best natural herbal remedy that we have found is called UTI-Free. It serves as both an elixir that improves the condition short term as well as having the longer term benefit of maintaining urinary tract and bladder health and a healthy flow of urine. It also promotes the healthy functioning of your dog's immune system.

The active ingredients include: Back to types of dog incontinence products Do you believe in holistic pet care?  If so, please tell your friends about us with a Facebook like, Google +1 or via Twitter, Pinterest, email or good old fashioned word of mouth. Thank you for supporting our efforts! Ask a Vet Online Library - Dog Urination Problems Section of Apple Cider Vinegar Dog Health Problems & Natural At-Home Remedies from Dog Incontinence Products Back to Reviews of Natural & Organic Dog Supplies and Products to Organic Pet Digest Natural Dog Care Home Page Disclaimers: The information contained in this web site is provided for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as nor should be relied upon as medical advice. Rather, it is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a pet owner/site visitor and his/her local veterinarian(s). Before you use any of the information provided in the site, you should seek the advice of a qualified professional.

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