

Rupavathi S

Docker - primary use - isolation

SLURM - Resource allocation

A program on host can access the program on guest

A program on guest cannot access the program on host

How to access files in container?

  1. Get into the guest. Take the files
  2. host should give command to place files in host by the guest - Volume mounting

Inside the container - A full fledged OS will be there

Docker is a software that facilitates the above things

No python - host OS

python 3 - Guest OS

We can still call the guest OS python code to run on host OS

The vice versa is not possible. But by volume mounting, you can do the vice versa (like copying the python directories)

key strokes

You cant write into guest container

Guest -> node app.js

  1. machine on
  2. Login screen skip
  3. No desktop
  4. Terminal - execute node app.js

If app.js is running, the container runs. If app.js stops, container stops.

Work around - wait the program for 1000 secs if you want to wait in container

cd cat ls sh - binary

the files created by running app.js is saved in container. To use in host, plug pendrive

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