


Distance is speed times time

But not a song that chime

Nor a fruit that's lime.

It's the tiredness of waiting

For the time that's not frailing

For the problem that's not yeilding

And the life that's not moving.

But it's the time who is high 

Poor speed's into a valley

I may even see the comet of Halley

Till my distance is accomplished. 

Oh Distance. 

Why do you accompany resistance?

How long do I need persistence?

They say, Instant messenger or internet world 

Has nullified the distance between any two points in this world

But it isn't just words.

Yes, it gives eyes, but through lens and screen of your device

Yes, it gives ears, through microphone and speakers of your device

But that doesn't reduce the distance in reality.

It doesn't allow us to hold hands 

Nor does it allow us to rest head on shoulder 

It may give other senses, but it can't give the sense of touch

Which somehow can be the greatest among all.

I regret the distance between us

I wish there wasn't a thing as distance

Which makes me think of a teleporter

Unfortunately, which really isn't a thing.

But some lucky people,

Whose loved ones are near them

Fail to understand their importance 

Of their life without them.

Unfortunately, it's still a distance

It doesn't matter if it's not in kilometres.

Yet, there's hope 

Because of the glue called love

That can connect people

No matter where they are on the globe

Distance, you can't beat love

Love doesn't need space like you 

Or time to travel you. 

Distance, stretch as long as you want

Separate us as far as you want

But this time kilometres won't work

Because I have the light called love

And I know it will hold us together.

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