

Short Rhymes

I wanna create new telegram channel 

at the middle of similar ones.

I will make decisions like chairman 

what should I post and what should not 

I'll download decent pictures

After standard copy-paste, 

Channel hasn't any features -

Traffic cheats keep up the pace.

Spam attack for good promotion, 

Would you like to pay for post?

To accelerate the motion 

of half-subscribers and half-bots. 

You can cheat everyone else 

Nobody is going to sue

I'd rather die, having thirty subscribers,

Than become famous blogger like you!

| chairman - директор, председатель

| decent - приличный

| features - особенности

| traffic cheats - накрутка подписчиков

| keep up the pace - держать темп

| accelerate - ускорить

| motion - движение

| to sue - подавать в суд

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