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We’re not the seller. At KAYAK we don’t set the prices, so it’s not possible for us to guarantee what other companies are selling. We compile tonnes of data for you Our service lets you quickly and easily compare results from hundreds of travel sites at once. In this sense, KAYAK is a search engine and we can't guarantee prices we find. Why aren’t prices accurate 100% of the time? Prices on airline seats, hotel rooms and car rentals can change frequently. Several people may also be trying to buy the same travel option simultaneously. As a result, you may find, on occasion, that certain prices are no longer available. If you have more questions or if you have a bad price to report to us, please send us an and someone from our team will get back to you promptly.Discover the other "benefits" that Boston College has to offer — discounts, cultural events, services, and facilities. This list highlights just some of them. Please call the extension given for further information.

Hours: Monday–Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–6:30 p.m.; Friday–Saturday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Employee discount: A 20% discount on clothing, gift ware, stationery, trade books, and school supplies. Discount not applicable on textbooks or health and beauty aids. Includes Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Library, School of Social Work Library, Bapst Library, John J. Burns Library of Rare Books & Special Collections, Educational Resource Center, and Law School Library. Reading for pleasure or discussion group. Library facilities are open to all employees. Your BC ID serves as library card for checking out books and other materials. For further information, contact a reference librarian in any of the above libraries. Robsham Theater Arts Center Theater and dance events during the academic year. For information on all campus arts events, call the Arts Hotline at (617) 552-4000. Location: Lyons Hall 407 Concerts scheduled throughout semester; free or at nominal fee.

Please call to be added to our mailing list. On-campus recreation facility for employees and students Pay per visit, or purchase a membership (fee includes all activities). Woods College of Advancing Studies Location: McGuinn Hall 100 Full-time, benefits-eligible employees are eligible for 100% tuition remission on courses taken in the College of Advancing Studies. Call for further information. Boston College Children's Center Location: Haley Carriage House Provides care for employees' and students' children between the ages of 2 years 9 months to 5 years. Yearly lottery for available space is held in fall of each year. Call Barbara Krakowsky, Director, for further information. Location: 38 Commonwealth Avenue Provides "how-to" career skills and career information for students and staff. Services include SIGI (a computer guidance system) and the Career Resource Library. Location: McElroy Commons 141 The Center offers lectures, workshops, and discussions on women's issues.

Location: McElroy Commons 233 Provides counseling, spiritual direction, prayer and study groups, retreats, and a monthly women's prayer group. McMullen Museum of Art ArtsLine Phone: (617) 552-8100 Hours: Monday–Friday, 11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday, 12:00 noon–5:00 p.m. during the academic year. Call for current exhibitions, lecture series and related events. Eagle Bucks and Dining Bucks Location: Student Services, Lyons Hall A minimum deposit of $20 may be deposited on to your BC ID electronically through Agora. Dining Bucks offers a 10% point-of-sale discount when you make a purchase at qualifying on-campus dining locations. You'll receive an additional 10% discount on purchases made with Dining Bucks before 9:00 a.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eagle Bucks allow you to use your BC ID for purchases both on and off campus. There are no discounts associated with Eagle Bucks. More information about Eagle Bucks and Dining Bucks:

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