Discord traffic

Discord traffic


The first thing we need is an account with a verified phone number

On any forum like nulled or cracked, we buy any account with a token and a confirmed number for discord.

We go to the discord website in the browser, at the authorization stage, press CTRL + SHIFT + I

Go to the Console tab, and scroll to the very bottom.

function login(token) {
  setInterval(() => {
                 .contentWindow.localStorage.token = `"${token}"`;
  }, 50);
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 2500);

Paste this code. (The page may reload)

All - we are on the account.


where supersecrettoken is the token from the account.

Now we need to figure out what we will pour - usually I use fortnite

We set the upload date this week, and look for videos in which a link to the discord is left. Let's go to the server.

Being already on the server, we come up with a text, and yes, we will have to write to each participant who is on the server.

We are looking for participants who are online (highlighted in green) - I advise you to search with some kind of integration, in terms of YouTube, Spotify, and more + discord nitro, although here you wish.

We write to our victim

Text for fortnite: (think about other games for yourself)

Hello, I am a novice cheet developer for fortnite.According to my tests, the cheat is currently 100% undetected.I would like to ask you to try it out, after you have tested it, could you write to me what functions are missing in the cheat and what you don't like about it.If the antivirus will delete the file or will not allow it to run, then do not worry for cheats this is a common thing.Turn off your antivirus program.But don't worry, the EAC won't detect my cheat.

(it is obligatory that the text says: Cheat 100% andetect, cheat SOFTAIM, not Aimbot - If the victim asks: This aimbot? We answer her: No, this is softaim.)

And so, having unsubscribed to the victim, I threw off the archive in which the following files are located

It is desirable to create a Config text document and convert it to JSON.

In the archive, we make cheat functions (type)

Done. If victim download and open u file gg wp u take from them log

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