

I hope you are reading this before dming/ibing/messaging me cuz it would really helpful to your account.I will never reply to you +you will reported as SPAM & BLOCK which results you can't message to your non mutual contact. If you want reply just don't "hi,hello" in chat just leave your message but here three case arises:

1)If I think you are really a needy person, you really need help then I will definitely try my best to help you.

2)If I am in good mood then I definitely reply.

3) Report+Block(this is the most important case that happen all time).

To avoid such things with you use this bot:

1. @markusofficial_bot


For messaging me.

Especially cryto-scammers ,investors ,paid-fungirl this is for you.

I had wasted more than 20min. to write this so I don't want to waste this time ,I will do as I write.

And most important 70 words of bio can't describe me.

Thank You 😊

Written by 𝐌Â𝐑𝙆ÛŠ

Report Page