Ardhael E. Hadésson

Due to @telegram's new policy, i declare that i'm not the real Mark Lee from NCT and SuperM. This channel was made for Roleplay Purposes only and has nothing to do with the real Mark Lee, NCT, SuperM or SM Entertainment and anything related to.

All the media here is not entirely mine. And have the rightful owner comes from social media such as Google, Pinterest, Weibo, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. If you see any media that i use here is prohibited or is the result of LYSN, please correct me with polite words in bot or my roomchat directly.

INFO: this channel may contains, Harsh Words, Capslock, Nfsw, Broken english, Spamming, Lgbtq+, sometimes rl thingy; calm, not that too much and i'll use bracket ( [] ) ofc. I'll not use CW & TW in my post.

DNI: if you are Homophobic, -15 age, Grammar Police, Plagiarism, Can't respect someone's feelings, Racist and Part of rioters; please, don't interact with me.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

Thank you for your attention.

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