
due to @telegram's new rules and policy to avoid misunderstanding i affirm that i'm not the real Bangchan. this channel was created for roleplaying purposes, and has nothing to do or connection with Bangchan, Stray Kids, and JYPE.

the whole content on this area probably contains with LGBT, NSFW, harshword, and shipping (boys) idol. perhaps — i'm not gonna put any trigger warning except for [mundane] thingy. the materials/media that i posted is from social media.


- i have thalassophobia so please be aware to not sending any pics, gif, and videos that have correlation about ocean.

- i really like to post things about girl groups, especially STAYC and TWICE so if you feel uncomfortable you can tell me honestly.

- since english isn't my first language, sorry if there's any grammatically error in my conversation. you can correct me politely if you see me wrong on texting.

- i use #XIII as my identity behind your anonymous board.


lazy mutual, fake personality, two face, homophobic, has 150+ subscribers, a spy, like to salty, non muse/character, real life area, haters ; hate my muse — Bangchan including Stray Kids, hate my conversation and my behavior.

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