


Manuscript following the grandiloquent benchmarks f'r each sundry to rejoice with par excellence benchmarks to assimilate that onomatopoeias would be influenced apropos memoirs; that the denomination o' Kaziel Amaranthine to assimilate, perpetual She/Her. +62 user, Asian to cease. ISTP-T.

Before proceeding further : B×G shipper especially sunshin, cosign harsh words multitudinous times, a minor. Devoted to talk about ones being a buff for or its fave itself, also ranting about customs on a life.

DNS : -11/+20 unless we have any agreements before or if I subscribed to your channel first. Those who loathe my faves, especially wonwoo, racist. LGBTQ+ PHOBIC, nsfw or roleplayer acclung, gay fetishizer and overanalyse people; those whi can't broadly respect my decisions well and irk.

Likes : Wonwoo, Sunshin, matcha, boon companions, felis catus, slumbers, sunsets, moon.

Dislikes : Diabolical critter, racism, lgbtq+ phobic, downpour, clowns, spotify ads, school.

TW // CW ; trypophobia, rape, heavy nsfw/sexual contentd, bullying, gore, disgusting picture.

Do retore a missive to @CP to expans or demolish bonds.

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