


ㅤ1) This is not real Yoon Gamin. I only act as Yoon Gamin, a comic titled Study Group and made by Hyungwuk Shin/Seungyeon Ryu.

ㅤ2) Use Indonesia as a first language, English as a second languange and Korean as a third language.

ㅤ3) mundane has no relationship with Yoon Gamin, Study Group Comics or Hyungwuk Shin/Seungyeon Ryu.

ㅤ4) this channel contains with roleplayer type CANON!RP.

ㅤ5) this channel contains spoilers, harsh words, and fights.


ㅤ #GROUPMEMB — Character.

ㅤ #STUDYTIME — Plotting.

ㅤ #윤가민 — Mundane talking here.

* i will use '📚. Abcd' for bracket when i out of character.

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