

To avoid misunderstanding and due to @telegram's privacy policy, i declare that i'm not the real Nanami Kento and doesn't have any connection with Jujutsu Kaisen. This channel was made is only for roleplay purposes only.

This channel may content harshword, spoiler of Jujutsu Kaisen, violence, blood, lgbtq+ thingy. If you feel uncomfortable with it, you can leave this area. For any media's that i took here, is from manga, anime, twitter and instagram. I'll hse bahasa Indonesia and English as my daily language. I'm use ( [] abcd. ) as my mundane talk and i'll do auto ooc in every private chat and groups. I not choosing any type of roleplay but i'll do in character as my best i can.

Do not copying anything in this channel if you doesn't have permission from me.

Tell me if i do something wrong, you may contact me through my personal roomchat (@Nhanamin) I'll extend a warm welcome to you.

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