jessamy dΓ©

𝐈. Do Not Interact if you are using a side account, rprl area, grammar police, plagiarism, Eunseo or WJSN haters, racists, phobia of harsh words, and haters of all things about french. if you don't like it, please leave this channel.

𝐈𝐈. this channel contains harsh words, spamming, typo(s), fancy fonts, broken english & french, and trashit. before subscribing this channel, please read rule number 1.

𝐈𝐈𝐈. due to @telegram's new privacy policy. i declare that i am not Son Juyeon of WJSN. i use this muse for roleplayer purposes only.

πˆπ•. if you guys are doing mutual cleaning, then confirm with the bot in the channel description so that there are no misunderstandings.

𝐕. in interacting on anonymous boards or otherwise, i use (🍘) for the bracket. if you see that identity sign, it's me.

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