placieeys carléniasie

.✭ Duo @Telegram's new privacy, everything here is purtely my mind and my brain. I reject all that is raleted to plagiarism. I hope you understand and I'm sure you have more ideas than me.

.✭ About this channel. I don't use [ CW . TW . HARSHWORD & ETC ] If you are not comfortable with that, please leave this channel.

.✭ DNI :: Homophobic, Cabulers, - 13 y.o — 23 y.o. Doesn't like things i like. Mocking religion, scams, two - faced, bullies.

.✭ Regarding my face claim. i am not the original Ahn yujin and have nothing to do with her family. Ghe ETC agency. I only use her for personal purposes.

.✭ way of all materials or photos here are from
pinterest, weibo, twitter and instagram. so if you want to find photos, you can search there, don't ask the creator

.✭ is channel is purely from my mind, don't accuse me of taking any material, please don't. I made materials with great difficulty so please appreciate it

placieeys carléniasie

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