Miguel D.

Due to @telegram’s new police, i declare that i'm not the real Mark Lee from NCT and i don't have any connection with Mark Lee. This channel was made for roleplaying purpose only, the media I have used is taken from sites, instagram, pinterest and etc. Here i use two languages ​​or bilingual [ ENG - INA ] warn. Broken eng and sometimes there is annoy spam.

If you hate my muse ( Mark Lee) grammar police, problematic people, cyber bullying, dramatic, judgemental, pedhopile, racist, not respect others, salty people, please left this channel and you have to remove @HiMorkLee from ur channel.

Please stop #PLAGIARISM, if you see a channel that uploads something similar to the content on my channel, or anything that smells of plagiarism, you can report it directly to my bot, or directly to my roomchat.

Report Page