✾ ִֶָ Due to @telegram's new privacy policy, I declare that I am not the real Aria Cortez. I just used Aria Becoming The Villain's Family as my face claim in the virtual world. 

✾ ִֶָ All photos and fanart that are here are not made by me, I just took them from several applications such as Twitter, Google, Pinterest, ETC. 

✾ ִֶָ This channel contains a lot of harsh words, out of character, lgbt, and a few words/photos that smell like 18+.

✾ ִֶָ I use English language. But for everyday language I use Indonesian. I will use symbols to simplify ( 아리아. text ) and 'Sign' want to ooc, mun!talk. 

✾ ִֶָ And all the words and filters are purely my own creation, I don't like it if someone takes some of the photos here without prior permission. Therefore, if you want to take / be inspired / related to this channel, please ask for permission or report to @hikariassistBot

✾ ִֶָ Thank you for your understanding.

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