

Alex de Truare

I am Alex Krasilnikov.

I am citizen of Moscow. 

I have high graduate education. 

A lot of time in my life i had treveled in world. 

I was working at multinational, military organization, own business. 

A lot of time i spend in self education. Art, cinema, music, design, photography. 

I try to find job with this skill, unfortunately i must earn money in not creative jobs. 

And some time ago i started my creative movie channel. And i make music video, story, art video, trash talk and cooking show and etc. 

At 2016 i was going to Rio de Janeiro. And i made short story in my movie. About all of us. 

Film about man in world.

Day by days in hustle.

Fight for money, freedom, love, respect and life.

Rio is place with big history with God.

And this is way to believing in God. Hard way.

Because in beginning and general all we have it is our trust, our power inside us, and God.

For me God inside us, for me some power of love and creative is God, power for fighting for good manifestations of people life.

Movie made in Rio de Janeiro. December 2016. I lived in Rio and Sao Paolo 4 months. 

It is made only by one man Alex Krasilnikov.

This is very dangerous process of filming. It is real favelas in Rio.

For exemple: when i ended scene at ocean and went all wet to my home, i must run to some home because shooting was starting in my street. 

Some scene i made at very famuse place - modern art museum in Niteroi. 

I always think about short movie. 

And i wrote short story, made storyboard , found the filming location and started day by day. 

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