Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Unnati Soni


Digital marketing

Marketing refers that the company promote the buying of product or services. The companies introduce their products among the audience for the purpose of increasing their sales via with the help of Marketing. It is a main factor for branding and creating awareness of product or services for the company, Now Digital Marketing refers the marketing process done through internet or digitally way.

The world  is shifted from analog to digital atmosphere so it takes place in a market for the promotion. This term was 1st introduced in 1990’s from the concept of digital marketing also known as internet marketing at that time but not well recognized because the internet strength was not that much good and users were not aware about this. But now the strength of internet is increased because the development of technologies. Users are also aware with this all terms and concept.

According to the survey in 2005, 1.1 billion users was using the internet and in 2020 the figures was 4.8 billion,percentage of users increased by 62% which proves the awareness.

It enhance the capacity of marketing in all factors which includes target audience , niche, location and time etc. As technology development increase the user of internet . there are various platforms which attract users for spending the time is Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter , etc. which is used by digital marketing companies ,the term given is social media marketing through which companies increase their marketing capability.

Now Digital Marketing is not enough with this two words, it has a broad concept which include several types of marketing like Social Media Marketing , Search Engine Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, SMS Marketing and Audio/Video Marketing.

At the starting only Google proves useful for Digital marketing, But at present various channels we use according to the convience of business, need is just to think about which type of user we want and get on which platform like youngster can be targeted on social sites and businessmen or corportative can be targeted on Linkedin , Twitter.

Discuss the different types channels of Digital Marketing

1)   Social Media Marketing

                                           This sector is rapidly growing in digital world. It is a platform with the combination of different type of person on the basis of age, location, community etc , all are connected with each other and create a wide network.

Social Media Marketing Companies targeted social sites to target their require audience. The marketing process over here is to much cheap and maintainence is done by non technical background person also. This all sites are familiar for all so working on it is not a big deal.


2)   Affiliate Marketing

                                    According to recent survey it is more likely way which is choosing by youngesters for earning money.  Basically it is the way through individual or company earn a money from selling the product or services of merchants or producres.

4 Parties are invovles in it are follows :-


 The Merchants:-This party may be a individual or a company or retailer who want to sell their product or services and ready to pay certain amount of commission to 3rd party for selling the product.

The Affiliate :- Also known as publisher. It can also be a individual or company who receive a commission from company or producer by selling their product or services.

Customer :- Without customer this process cant’t be done. Affiliate target a customer and redirect them to merchant. Without customer affiliate can’t get any commission and merchant can’t sell their product or services.

The Network :- Connection of people called network through which affiliate sellout the product and generate a commission.


Search Engine Marketing

                                                 We also says that Google knows everything. In SEM goggle plays important role, Mainly if user have any query they just simply put their query on google and get relevant answer which posted by websites. So get a more traffic on their websites its needed the results shown on the top of SERP. For this owner of the website have to pay certain amount of showing Ads its called inorganic results and for organic results SEO is applied on website.


Email Marketing

                                  In email marketing messages are send to potential customer for aware them about the brand and new product or services through ads, messages and vouchers. It is the cheapest medium in digital marketing for building a loyality of brand. But there is also need of maintain the email capacity don’t do spaming and irritate the customers.


Online Display Ads

                                     In a traditional marketing takes a support of banner, poster for the advertisement and promotion. Same thing doing by marketers in digital manner which includes banner ads, video/audio ads etc for attract the more attention of customers.


It can’t be negligible this point that world is converted from analog to digital. People are more focused on the online or internet . It provides several innovative ideas to advertisers, social media marketers, affiliaters which enhance the employment in marketing world with the help of Internet. Day by day the Digital marketing companies make their space in market and grow rapidly. Build a carrier in this field for the youngestors proves beneficial. Various institute are available for providing the knowledge of this subject. There are not such type of company which not doing digital marketing for the promotion of their product or services, not only large scale companies but small scale companies, individuals, professional are also in favour of digital marketing, so the carrier growth in it is increased.

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