diary 🥣

diary 🥣


hello! im arthea known as thea. so i just decided to make a new telegraph page for introducing myself!

my account type is personal business (pba) and im using she/her as pronouns. im still minor and uhm… yeah.

imma k-popers, you can say that im a multifandom but i mostly hype ateez and the boyz lately. it’ll be great if youre an atiny or deobi too! we can hyping them together <3

i like to share every single thing with my friends when im doing a conversation, for example like my favorite wattpad story, netflix series, or my favorite music! or ill like to invite them to watch a movie together on rave or do a sleep call session. sometimes, when im too bored to do my assignment ill invite my friends to do a study-date! cause it’ll be fun ♡

by the way, do not interact with me if youre under 12 years old and if youre any religion phobic. if youre mostly talking or posting NSFW (18+) things, PLEASE dni. cause i reaallllyyy uncomfortable with that. lastly, a grammar police.

thankyou! ♡

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