

Stats(damage=5, utility=7, survivability=9, complexity=5)

Winning (winrate: 100%, games: 12)

1 | 2 | Devil's Due (D1)
Black Soulstone increases the effects of Regen Globes and Healing Fountains by 2.25% per Soul.

4 | 2 | Souls to the Flame (W1)
Fire Stomp grants 1 Soul every 3 times it damages an enemy Hero, and heals for an additional 1.3% of its damage dealt per Soul.

7 | 1 | Eternal Flames (W1)
When Diablo Stuns an enemy Hero with Shadow Charge or Overpower, reset the cooldown of Fire Stomp.

10 | 2 | Lightning Breath (R2)
After 0.5 seconds, become Unstoppable and Channel for up to 4 seconds, dealing 50 (+4% per level) damage every 0.25 seconds to enemies in front of Diablo. Enemies affected are Slowed by 4% for 2 seconds, up to 40%. Lightning Breath's direction changes with your mouse cursor position.

13 | 3 | Hellfire (W1)
Each enemy Hero hit by Fire Stomp grants 2% Spell Power for 10 seconds, up to 30%.

16 | 2 | Debilitating Flames (W1)
Enemy Heroes hit by Fire Stomp are Slowed by 5% for 4 seconds, up to 50%. Heroes Slowed by 25% or more by Debilitating Flames deal 50% less damage.

20 | 4 | Hellgate (Active)
Teleport and place a demonic rune at target location. After 1.75 seconds the rune explodes dealing 137 (+4% per level) damage and stunning enemies for 1.75 seconds.

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