desk chair for gamers

desk chair for gamers

desk and chair set kmart

Desk Chair For Gamers


Your votes have been counted and the IKEA Markus is your pick for Best Gaming Chair For Your Desk. At $200, the Markus is arguably the best value in the desk chair landscape, and finished second in Lifehacker’s Best Office Chair Hive Five. This is a somewhat problematic winner, because not everyone lives near an IKEA, and their shipping is prohibitively expensive. For those of you still looking for a great chair at an affordable price, we’re going to step in and recommend the Tempur-Pedic TP9000 Ergonomic Mesh Mid-Back Task Chair. This is the chair I use at home, after discovering it in this Lifehacker article. merce Content is independent of Editorial and Advertising, and if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale. Click here to learn more, and don’t forget to sign up for our email newsletter. We want your feedback.Best Gaming Chair Guide for PC and Desktop Gamers (Updated for 2017)In our never-ending quest to outfit our desks with the best mice, keyboards, and monitors, let's not forget we also have to sit somewhere to use them.

Back in 2012, Lifehacker asked its readers what the Best Office Chair was, but today we're focused on gaming. So tell us, what's the best gaming chair for your desk? Recommending someone else's nomination is your vote, so star those nominations wisely. As always, we humbly request that you make your best case for your choice, or against someone else's, and please, check to see if someone else has already nominated something before you do. With my new Kinja Groupchat powers, I'll be able to better organize your nominations.The Best Gaming Mouse | The Best Gaming Mousepad The Best Gaming Keyboard | The Best Gaming Headset The Best Gaming Monitor | The Best Graphics Card for the Money This post is brought to you by the Commerce Team, a dedicated group of deal hunters and product enthusiasts. We operate independently of Editorial to bring you the best bargains every day, share our favorite products with you, and ask you about yours. When you buy something we recommend, we may also get a small share of the sale.

We welcome your questions and want your feedback.See what our customers have to say about their Obutto cockpits! “This is absolutely the best buy I have ever done. I am finally so comfortable I want to be when using my computer. Never before have I been able to sit and play/work for hours and hours straight. My back does not hurt at all. The chair gives it the support it needs, and my legs up high on the pedal tray is very comfortable… A big thanks to Chris and everyone at Obutto. This r3v is gonna serve me for many many years to come. And I’m never going back to a traditional “computer desk” anymore. I´m using it for work / FPS / MMO games as for now. But I´m gonna start sim race soon now when I have And again sorry for the bad english as I’m swedish.” “I work from home, so I use this Obutto gaming cockpit for business as well as fun. The chair is super-comfortable, and it creates a really ergonomic work space. Working at home is so much better than going to the office for that very reason;

everything is fast and at my fingertips. When I’m done for the day or if I want to take a break, I just boot up a game and go.” “I bought my R3V mid November 2012 and since then it’s been a racing sim rig, flight cockpit, and now it’s a pure FPS setup and yeah, for a while it was all three at the same time. In a few months I’m sure I’ll change it again. One things for sure though, I’ll never go back to a desk again.” “Let me just say that this computer gaming chair is my life. Not that I’m gaming 24/7 (that’s a pipe dream), but I also work from home as a freelance coder. That means I spend upwards of 16 hours a day on my computer, sitting at this cockpit. It does get uncomfortable after, say, 12 hours, but that’s not the cockpit’s fault. Everything is at my fingertips here. It makes my work and my play so much more efficient and easy.” “OMFG, this cockpit is made entirely of two things. Assembly was a breeze, took no time at all.” “Chris, you helped me get the “best wife award”.  

A side effect of buying the obutto for Nate is I’m getting so much help with laundry and dishes I don’t know what to do with the extra time.” Obutto was created in 2006 by a gamer for gamer’s & other hardcore computer users.  The goal was to create a revolutionary product… ergonomic workstations or “gaming cockpits” and offer them for an affordable price. In order to meet the demanding needs of desktop computer users we threw out everything about a “desk” since they were designed for writing,  and based our design on using a computer.   The raised footrest allows you to stretch your legs out, which in turn transfers your weight across more of your body.  Therefore, having a reclining & supportive seat back is necessary to create a much more “laid back” seating position.  Furthermore, the keyboard/mouse tray is positioned low and just above your lap so your forearms can be parallel to the ground.  Lastly, the monitor height is adjustable so your neck is always in alignment with the spine.  

In this more supportive seating position armrests are no longer needed, especially since the side bolsters of the seat back support the weight of the upper arms. Furthermore, we created realistically placed mounts for the main simulation games…flight sims & sim racing.  Whether you’re a gamer, graphics designer, website designer, architect, someone who works from home, or someone that just hangs out on the internet, we made it possible to use your computer comfortably in our ergonomic workstations. Thanks for taking a look at our creations and we hope you will find your way into an Obutto workstation very soon! Crazy that it’s been 9yrs since we first started selling our gaming cockpits or ergonomic workstations…what a ride. A special thanks to all of the early adapters that supported us from the beginning! Thousands of happy customers worldwide! No matter what you use your computer for, obutto provides the only ergonomic solution for all your needs. If you spend time using a desktop computer at home, there is simply no better solution for comfortable computer use.  

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