

Hey. Today we will analyze what "DEDIC" is, why you need it, where you can get it and how to use it.

He is called so because of his English name “dedicated”. This is such a server, when connected to which a real physical computer is provided. From a computer you connect to another computer in general and you work through it)

What is it for?

He has some fucking opportunities. It depends more on your imagination) In fact, everything that you can do for a regular computer, you can do it for a computer. Only "Dedic" gives you anonymity, the possibility of round-the-clock work without leaving your computer turned on all this time + you are not burdening either your hardware or your internet) The advantages are simple. Most often, "Dedic" is used for brute-force, spamming, and for many other dark deeds, such as carriage)

How to choose a "Dedic"?

It is necessary to look at the parameters of hardware and the Internet, depending on the task. Suppose if you want to brute on Dedic, and you know that your program for brute uses vidyuhi, then choose grandfather with vidyuhi more powerful, if the program uses percents, then, respectively, percents in priority)

And of course you should pay attention to the location of the grandfather, this is also very important. I think you understand that if you want to take Dedicated for karzh American sites with the material, then taking Dedic for this somewhere in Romania would be illogical)

Where to get it?

The simplest is, of course, to buy. The price of "Dedic" averages from 2 to 20 bucks, depending on its parameters

Sometimes they give "Dedic" for free on forums or some sites arrange actions, but this is a rarity + such "Dedic" as a rule with some restrictions, or simply put, garbage. For karzh such "Dedic" not go. They have all the ip in the black, etc.

How to use Dedicated?

Consider the standard method using the built-in program in Windows) Click "Start", then select "Run", type "mstsc" and click Enter. In the window that appears, you will need to enter the name of the company, it will be a certain IP address, after that we will additionally click, enter the name of the account,

And click Connect:

After connecting, type in the password and click "OK".

 That's all, we are connected "to Dedic")

Now the main thing is to hide their presence in order to use Dedicated as long as possible. After all, most often the owner of the iron is not aware that someone else is using his computer. Imagine yourself in his place) Immediately would cut off access, right? Therefore, masked. You need to create your account and hide it. Click: "start" (Start), then "run" (Run), write cmd and enter:

 net user black 123123 / add

press Enter and type the following command:

 net localgroup Administrators black / add

After this procedure, an account will be created with the login black and password 123123)

Then we hide our account. Go to the registry (Start> Run> regedit.exe) and look for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE item, then into the SOFTWARE folder, then Microsoft, then Windows NT, select CurrentVersion, then Winlogon, and SpecialAccounts and UserList. Now there you need to create a new DWORD parameter (you need to click the right mouse button and select "new DWORD parameter") We give it the name of the account, in my case black. By default, it is created with a value of 0, this is what we need, do not touch anything)

Now for completeness, let's hide the folder with our account. To do this, open my computer, then drive with, then the Users folder and right-click on our account folder, select the properties and put a checkmark on the “hidden” or “hidden” and click OK or apply.

After all this is done, we exit and go to Dedicated under our new account)

How to transfer the program to "Dedic"? Just download from the internet. If the program is not on the Internet, then upload it from your computer to any file sharing service and download it again.

Hiding your programs deeper, you can into the system folders, as a rule, there is rarely anyone who climbs) It is also advisable to rename the programs under the system processes in order not to be burned in the task manager. Suppose the browser can be renamed to explorer.exe. Clean the Ccleaner Prog. Do not overload the grandfather too much, and then it will begin to slow down and burn)

I do not advise you to restart "Dedic", since this is a large pale, use this as an extreme measure.

I also advise you to connect to "Dedic" via VPN to increase your anonymity.

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