

Tejas khurana

From the beginning, humans are obsessed with technology, a technology that is capable of self-learning, working with precision for long hours, exceeding us and providing seamless work experience.

But have you ever wondered that this obsession of making A.I the next future has grown so much deeper and deeper that we don't realize our days are nearly to be gone? Eventually, we all are trapped in a vicious cycle and someday something has to end up dead.

So is it really going to end by the hands of our technological children? From the start, we came so far just to end up nothing?

NO WAY, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me.

Since the invention of computers, our machines have become a trillion times more powerful. Our daily tech has become so much smarter and faster and we, on the other hand, end up becoming more stupid, dumb and boring. If we look back 100 years ago or maybe thousands, humans have barely budged in terms of intelligence, and if we pick a human from 100 years ago and compare it with us today, the difference would be pretty unremarkable and barely noticeable. Our dependence on technology has stuck to us so badly that we are barely using our brains making it even worse. But I do believe that we are that much smart that I certainly don’t require to give examples and explanations.

According to genetics, traits and characteristics of a human body that are less important get evolved. This is what happened to our jaws when we shifted from eating bones and shells to cooked food. They became smaller and weaker providing enough room for our brains to expand. But now this feels a bit irrelevant I don’t know what would become weaker in our brains next.

In 2009, Usain Bolt who made the fastest 100 m run in just 9.28 seconds and it's been 11 years since so why isn't anybody beating it yet.

The future we seek will involve A.I in almost every scenario. They can be athletes, gymnasts, singers, dancers, actors, comedians, and so much more. A.I can help us in extreme sports, end up battling death wresting matches, racing through A.I.-powered F1 cars, or media that we see and news communicated by robots. Virtual reality and augmented reality will be so much more efficient that it will prevent us from leaving our homes.

A study shows that " A.I will take 800 million jobs by the end of 2030”, and it’s happening. Influencers like Lil Miquela already exist who have 2 million real people following her and she’s A.I.

Elon musk founder of tesla said “Even in a Benign scenario, humans will be left behind”, eventually become irrelevant. And I can barely doubt this one that soon " Humans will no longer use A.I, they become them" and it’s pretty clear too. Neuralink a startup says that their A.I can plant thousands of electrodes into human brains without leaving any scars behind or shaving their heads with utmost precision. This brain surgery has two main purposes, to send and receive data from your brains to smart devices. That means we don’t need anything, we are everything, and this ends up creating so many questions in my mind, which creeps me out.

This whole thing could be even worse than we think it is and this leads back to my question.

So Is it really going to end by the hands of our technological children?

Yes, and I don’t think that I had explained why. As I said earlier, we are trapped in a vicious cycle, and this is how it all ends.

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