Day 3

Day 3


particle of information - a very small amount of something

evasive answers/comments/replies - not willing to give clear answers to a question

being cagey/secretive about something - not wanting to give somebody information

Boy, if you don't stop hitting your sister I am going to slap the taste out of your mouth - Phrase used to try and get someone to stop or not do something that you really do not find appropriate.

be/leave somebody scarred - leave somebody with a feeling of being very sad or with mental pain

come through with something - successfully do or complete something that you have promised to do

(all) in one piece - safe; not damaged or hurt, especially after a journey or dangerous experience

food aid as a quid pro quo for the stopping of violence - something that is given to a person in return for something they have done

insinuate - suggest, without being direct, that something unpleasant is true (syn. imply)

rough knight - a person who behaves badly, but despite this is quite attractive

hell of a decision/mess - extremely, or extremely big

crocodile tears - tears that you cry when you are not really sad or sorry

con into doing something - deceive, trick

stay away from these kinds of shenanigans - secret or dishonest activities that people find interesting and sometimes funny

don't be such a wuss - a person who is not strong or brave

keep fixating on their flaws - thinking about something too much and find it difficult to stop

dwindling population/resources - gradually becoming smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number

hold up well under the pressure - remain strong and working effectively

prohibited by law - refused to allow something

rocky start - uncertain and difficult and not likely to last long

duped into doing - trick or cheat somebody

duck the issue - avoid a difficult or unpleasant duty or responsibility (syn. dodge)

have the audacity - behavior that is brave but likely to shock or offend people (syn. nerve)

quaint old cottage - attractive because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned

try excluding fat from your diet - deliberately not including something in what you are doing or considering

bound to feel nervous/for international success(= are certain to be successful) - certain or extremely likely to happen

plane bound for Moscow - going to

bound by something/I am bound to say I disagree with you on this point - forced to do something by law, duty or a particular situation

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