Day 1

Day 1


This morning before going to church, I saw Dad was already up and out of bed. He was being his usual cheeky self, I remember upon leaving the house, he had a cup of Milo in one hand, towel draped over one shoulder coming to the door to help lock it after me.

Last night we talked about my SNL bible study in Mark and the different responses (of Blind Bartimeus and the Disciples) to Jesus’ question “What do you want me to do for you?”

We talked about the healing that Jesus came to bring, and about who was really spiritually blind. He quoted an Isaiah reference found in Mark about Jesus taking on our infirmity, and later in the evening, gave me references from Acts as further support for his point that healing happens (not just happens, but is guaranteed to us) in this life.

it is an uphill task.

I’m thankful for Jie Min who patiently chided me after lunch yesterday on the train ride to Cityhall- to spend more time talking to Dad for he may yet have but a year or so left on this earth. It is something I’m conscious of in the recess of my mind, but don’t actively act upon.

“Just do something with him, 20mins every 4 days”, was the challenge she set me.

That’s the bar that I see as the minimum in this movement, and I hope to put in conscious effort to create and record these interactions.

May God help guide my words as I seek to speak the truth in love for His glory.



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