

Chapter 2 || Virtual Mind ||

David came from a middle-class family. His father was a public school teacher, and his mother worked as a nurse in a local hospital. Despite not having much growing up, David had always been content with what he had

It wasn't until he met Dona that things started to change for him. They were introduced through mutual friends Richard, John and Magiee during their college days. At first, David didn't think much of her - she was beautiful but seemed unapproachable with her confident demeanor.

But over time they became friends out of ignorance and their common interests cemented the bond between them. Dona's ambition fascinated him; it was something he had never seen before in someone his age.

As they spent more time together, their friendship blossomed into something more- something neither of them saw coming at first. It wasn't long before they realized that they were meant to be together despite all differences both held within.

David may have worn spectacles and didn't have fully grown muscles like some of his other friends did but that never stopped him from feeling secure about himself or letting go off dona who made him feel loved & complete like no one else ever could while Dona learned to love someone beyond materialistic possessions & social status which mattered to her father Deepak Bhatia so much.

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