

1 Samuel 17, David and Goliath.

David was the 2nd king of Israel after Saul, he was anointed when he was just a kid by Samuel who was the prophet of God. The history of David is one of the most popular in the Bible, even kids know about his fight with Goliath. When David fought Goliath, he did not see how big Goliath was, he saw how powerful his God is. David went through so much, even when he was threatened with death, he was still faithful to God. He fought thousands of enemies and God still safeguarded David from all the problems he had. Know that David was a sinner too, he slept with his friend’s wife and indirectly killed his friend. Of course, David got punished, but after he repented, he went back to God. Maybe our life is not the same as David’s, but we have the same God who will give us the same strength and the same happiness.

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